The Beginning

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Luna is new in the business but even she knows when people are trying to get out of tedious work by giving it to the new kids, sadly she is still new at the business so it's not like she do much but to accept it or wait for the new probably even more tedious job to come.

Luna lets her head fall on her desk, this job was supposed to be interesting, that's what they told her at least, and yes she spends a lot of the time out on the field but more of her cases are really easy or so incredibly boring that it's not even worth it, Luna loves people, she really does and she loves spending time with people but not even that joy can't  with stubborn people. Luna eyes the file almost afraid of what it might tell her, right on the cover it says that three others before of her rejected the case, but she won't no matter how boring it will be. She takes the file and is surprised to find out that it doesn't look as boring, but actually kinda complicated for most of the others on her level, someone in a higher position would make this happen really fast but this is way too easy and unimportant  for them, and wouldn't even bother looking at it.

She reads the file more carefully.

Section: Teenage affairs

Importance: Medium low

Couple Classification: Soulmates

Relationship Status: Level 0

Names: Simón Álvarez and Ámbar Smith/ Gastón Perida and Nina Simonetti

Luna skims over the details of their personalities,she can do that later, and goes straight to the description of the case.

Apparently Simonetti and  Álvarez are friends but their soulmates barely even know they exist and if they don't notice them now the will stray away and end up with the wrong person, in fact Smith, is already going down that path and is considering dating one of her best friend, this guy named Matteo Balsano. Luna bites her lip,not many people in this age have soulmates and it would be so sad if that went to waste, they still could be happy but never as happy as they could be with their actual soulmate and that would be a waste for both the humans and for her as well since since she needs the energy to stay alive and Luna loves feeding off happiness and love more than anything, she really doesn't understand those gods that choose strife, sadness or anger but to each their own.

Luna sends the notification that she will take the case and prepares herself to spend the rest of the day reading the file she needs all the information she can get and a plan, or knowing herself the basis of a plan, but she needs to get ready.

She didn't really come up with a plan but she did come up with to-do list that has a series of steps that she should follow before she starts just winging it. First: Get into the school in the same year as Nina, Two: Starts going regularly to the Jam&Roller,this rink/restaurant they all seem to enjoy  Three: Start winging it.

She is aware that it's not much but she has learned that most plans go to tartarus and that in the end taking the opportunities as they show ends up being a better than having a detailed plan of action.

Right now she is just starting step one, she is standing outside Blake high school in full uniform ready to go in, she pushes the heavy wooden door and goes inside, she looks down at the small map of the school she found on internet and walks around trying to find the main office where she is supposed to go to get her schedule. Soon enough she finds herself lost in the big school, Luna sighs, she really needs to learn how to read a map.

She turns the map around and realizes that she is , probably, going the wrong way, so she turns around only to crash into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to..."She starts mumbling,looking at her feet,  just because she is a god it doesn't mean she is immune to embarrassment. "I'm just lost and I need to get to the main office and this thing is huge and..."

I am what I feelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя