
Start from the beginning

"Hey sis," Caleb said as soon as I pressed the green answer button.

"Hey bro," I replied, smiling. Mom and Dad were in California for the last week to be there for Caleb and Amanda, and drove over to Arizona last night. I really wanted to be there, but I had to finish up school and Tobias had a game (that they ended up losing so they're not in the College World Series this year), so circumstances kept me from being there and I feel really bad about it.

"Are you ready to meet your niece and nephew?"

"Yeah," I answered, nodding my head. He flipped the camera to show two sleeping babies in a little bassinet. My hand went to my mouth to keep me from screaming about how cute they were. When I finally regained my composure, I said, "Caleb, they're so beautiful. I really wish I could be there."

"Yeah I wish you were here too. But have to graduate, and I wish I were there for you today." He flips the camera back around to his face and I give him a small smile.

"Nah, it's okay, you have two little human beings to worry about. Anyway, I'll see you in a few days.


"So, are you going to tell me their names or not?" I ask.

"Oh yeah," he says with a laugh. He flips the camera back to the babies and points to the girl wrapped in pink first. "That's Olivia, she was born three minutes before her brother," he points to the boy in blue now, "Jackson."

"Oh my goodness those names are so perfect!" I exclaim, trying not to be too loud to wake up the perfect little babies. "Seriously Caleb, I can't get over how cute they are."

"Thank you," he says with a smile.

"Yeah. I'll see you in a few days, okay?"

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye," I say and hang up.

I finish up my makeup and then do my hair, I just straighten it and then do a small braid. Then all I have to do is put on my shoes and make sure I have everything, including my cap and gown.

"You guys ready?" I ask as I walk into the living room where my parents and Tobias are sitting on the couch talking. They all look over to me and Tobias's mouth drops into an 'o' shape. I blush and look at my shoes when I see his reaction.

"You look beautiful honey," Mom tells me and I smile and thank her in response. She looks almost like she's about to cry. "My little girl's all grown up," she sniffles.

"Mom, we're not going to go through this again, are we?" I ask and she laughs before she hugs me.

"Hey Dad," I say after Mom let's go of after after what seems like forever.

"Hi Little Bumble Bea," he replies as he hugs me. I pull back and cover my face with my hands. That was my dad's nickname for me when I was little. I haven't heard him call me that in years.

"Guys, stop you're going to make me cry," I laugh. Tobias wraps an arm around me and I do the same to him. I look up at him and smile. I hear the click of a camera and look over to Mom and laugh. "Okay, I think we should probably go now."

"Wait, just a few pictures," Mom says.

"Mom you can take pictures after," I sigh.

"I want some without the caps and gowns on."

"Ugh, Moooommm," I whine.

"Beatrice," she warns and I shut up. Dad and Tobias attempt to stifle their laughs but both fail.
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The ceremony just ended, and now it's time for pictures! Yay! Note the obvious sarcasm. Mom, Jack, Emma, Casey, and Hanna are also here and I'm so happy to see them. The ceremony was at the football stadium, so afterwards we're all meeting at this little garden place for pictures. I ran over to them as soon as I saw them and gave them all hugs. Hanna held on to me for what literally felt like years.

We then went back over to where Mom, Dad, Tobias, and Evelyn were and I introduced everyone. Mom and Dad already knew my birth mom though of course. Angela, hugged Mom for forever as soon as she saw her.

"Tris, is that your boyfriend?" Emma asks, gesturing towards Tobias. That's when I realize there was someone I forgot to introduce, Tobias, my boyfriend.

"Yeah, sorry Em, but he's taken," I answer.

"Dang it," she playfully says as she snaps her fingers and we laugh.

After Mom takes a million (at the very, very least) pictures, we all got dinner at Olive Garden and then headed back to the apartment.

I have to admit, it was a little cramped. I mean, it's a one bedroom apartment with a small living room, small dining are and a small kitchen, so it was really hard to fit nine people in.

When everyone finally got tired of the nearly pocket-sized space and left, Tobias and I started getting ready for bed. Usually we both stay up pretty late (it's not even nun o'clock right now), but it's been a very long day and we're both tired.

"Did we really just graduate today?" I ask as I wash my hands to take my contacts out.

"Yeah," he answers while cleaning his glasses off and putting them on. I take my contacts out of my eyes, put them away in my case, and then put my glasses on. 

"It's unbelievable."

"I know." He walks out of the bathroom and I follow him, turning the light off as I do. We get under the covers and I roll on top of him.

"What do we do now?" I ask.

"Hm, how about we start with getting married," he says and I laugh.

"Hm, how about we start with getting an apartment in Chicago, and then we'll see," I respond and we both laugh this time.

"I don't care when we get married, honestly. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you," he tells me, making me smile and blush furiously before he presses his lips to mine.

"I love you so much," I say.

"I love you more," he replies.

"I love you most."

"No, I'm pretty I love you the most." I laugh, roll off of him, and then rest my head on his chest as I start to fall asleep.
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A/N: hiiii! How was this chapter? Seriously though, guys please keep commenting and voting you have no idea how much it warms my heart when I see a really nice comment or a vote
Well, I hope you guys are having an awesome week, and ilya❤❤❤

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