"Come on Laur, let her sleep, we can find our way around here without her," Dinah said, pulling Lauren out of the room.

Lauren pouted,  allowing Dinah to pull her, "Fine."

"Where should we go first?!" Dinah asked full of excitement.

"I don't even care! Let's just stop on every floor!" Lauren returned with the same excitement,

"I love these see through elevators!" Dinah exclaimed as she looked through them.

Lauren was busy looking at which number to press, "I think these four floors are just rooms. Lido deck?"

"Yeah sure, whatever." Dinah said continuing to stare out the glass elevator.

"I can't believe we're on a gorgeous boat full of activities and Camila is asleep!" Lauren complained,

"Laur," Dinah laughed, "Camila literally drove thirteen hours to get us here. I think you should cut her some slack. Besides, we'll be here for a week!"

Lauren sighed, "I guess you're right. Holy shit."

"Yeah holy shit is right." Dinah agreed as the elevator opened to the Lido deck.

In the center of the deck, there was a gigantic pool, with a water slide at the beginning. Surrounding them was several beach chairs, a jacuzzi on each side of them. At the top of the stairs, there was miniature golf and if you went around the backside of the deck, their was different varieties of food, from seafood to pizza, burgers, chicken and ice cream which was open twenty four hours.

"Where do we even start?" Dinah asked,

"Let's go back to the room and change!" Lauren shouted, running back to the elevator.

"Hey! Calm down dork." Dinah ran after her.

"We are gonna be out here all night! This is freaking amazing!"

Dinah agreed, "This is exactly what I needed!"

"When do we pull off?" Lauren asked.

"I forget. Maybe we should just wake her up when we get back to the room. She can sleep on the lawn chairs."


"We are hot." Normani said as she and Karen looked in the mirror together with their bathing suits on.

Karen agreed and grabbed their towels.

"I'm so ready to relax. I need this."

"Yeah you do, They'll be playing movies all night!" Karen said.

"We still have much to explore so maybe only one movie, Kare."

Karen yawned, "Oh right."

"You better get all your resting done today because every day after this, we're partying!"

"I know, I know!" Karen looked around once they reached the Lido deck, "We need to find someone to buy us some drinks."

Normani's face lit up, "I swear you read my mind! Who's our first victim?"

"Not right now, later on tonight. Maybe after dinner."

"What are they playing tonight?" Normani asks.

"John Wick 2."

"Okay, where are we sitting? Top deck or down here?"

Karen looked around, "Uhhh, let's sit down here!"

They threw their towels over their chairs, getting situated.

Before Karen had a chance to sit down, "Pizza!" Normani whined.

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