Chapter 23

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"Normani what is taking so lo-" Karen stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who she was standing in front of, "crap."

"I knew you looked familiar when I ran into you earlier!" Dinah spoke when she saw Karen,

"Wait, you knew she was here for a fact and you didn't tell me?" Normani asked, obviously angry.


"Save it," She told Karen, "And you," Normani turned to Dinah, "Stay away from me."

Normani gathered her things and walked back to her and Karen's room.

"Where are y'all staying?" Dinah asked,

Karen hesitated, "I don't think that's a good idea. She just said to stay away from her."

"I don't care, I haven't seen her in months. I am not gonna let her attitude keep me away."

"So what did keep you away?" Karen questioned, becoming defensive of Normani,

"Excuse me?" Dinah was taken back by her question.

"What kept you away from her all this time? You let her walk away and you didn't even try to chase her. You didn't call, or text not even a mention or direct message on Twitter. Come on, you have her on every single social media and not a word from you, so why now? Why don't you wanna leave her alone? She wants to be left alone by you, I suggest you do that. You owe her that."

"Please just tell me where your room is," Dinah pleaded, "I stayed away for all the wrong reasons but I need to tell her that. Please."

Karen studied Normani's ex girlfriend before sighing, "room 432, the top deck."

"Thank you!" Dinah exclaimed before getting her things and running to the elevator.

"I probably should have mentioned the boyfriend," Karen said to herself while watching Dinah run off.

Dinah caught her breath in the elevator, now thinking about what she would say when or if Normani even opened the door. She wasn't even sure if Normani had gone to her room but it never hurt to check, all she knew was that she needed to talk to her.

"Fuck." Dinah said as she stepped off the elevator, she began searching for room number 432.

As she approached Normani's room she took a deep breath before knocking,

"Who is it?" Normani asked through the door,

Dinah's breath hitched, she hadn't expected that. She didn't even know what to say. Dinah heard footsteps approaching the door, she stood, frozen.

Normani opened the door and rolled her eyes when she saw Dinah, " I told you to leave me alone."

She went to shut the door but Dinah put her foot between to stop her, "Please."

"Move your foot Dinah. Now." Normani demanded, a stern look upon her face.

"Not until you talk to me."

"We haven't spoken in months so what's another week right? You've gone this entire time acting like I don't exist, so continue that."

"No! You walked away once and you aren't gonna do that again!" Dinah almost shouted, "let me in!"

Normani pressed harder on the door, "No you hurt me and I hate you!"

Dinah moved her leg, and Normani stopped trying to close the door, she just stood there. Tears filling her eyes, "I hate you Dinah, you cheated on me and then you didn't even fight for me! I walked away? You let me! I hate you because I let you in and did everything you said you wouldn't so I don't wanna talk to you, I trusted you and you let me down."

Persuasion (Norminah)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum