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Asher's pov
I felt something pushing me I opened my eyes to reveal Mason. "Mason what are you doing" I groaned
"I wanna play we are all alone" he said excitedly. I jumped up and he helped me out we ran down the stairs and into the living room. "Hey you wanna learn how to do some flips off the couch." I said he nodded "ok watch me" I then went over to the couch. I jumped on it two times and flipped one time in the air and landed on my feet. "You think you can do it"
let's see" he then did what i did. He did it "omg I did it" I ran over to him and I screamed and jumped up and down. " Lets do it together" he said excitedly  "ok" we then lined our selves up. "On the count of three "one ,two,"three we yelled and we both jumped in the air and did a flip in the air and landed
on our feet. "We did it lets celebrate" I ran over to the fridge and took everything out "lets eat" then we started stuffing our faces. We were almost done when the door slid open. We both stared not moving a muscle. "Ok Peter lets go get the kids" daddy said I looked over at Mason and I pointed under the table. He nodded and we both booked it under trying not to move the sheet that was covering it. We sat there not moving or speaking we heard footsteps go by and then they were on the stairs. "Um Derek there not here" we heard Peter yell.
"What do you mean there not here" daddy yelled back.
"I mean the room is empty" he yelled back. "Where are they then" daddy said he sounded very close I looked under the table cloth to see that he was standing right in front of us. I froze I even held my breath "what the he'll happened to all the food" he said to himself. I moved just a little and that's all he needed to figure out where we were. All of a sudden we were pulled out and lifted in the air by our shirts. "Hi daddy when did you get home." I smiled he didn't return it "your  both grounded now go upstairs and get dressed "he shouted. We both cowered and hit the floor we then ran up the stairs and past Peter. A few minutes later we both walked down we both wore our leather jackets I grabbed his hand and walked towards the door. I opened it and went to step outside. "Asher and Mason where are you going" 
"well when you say go get dressed that means we are going out. So we were going to go get in the car" I finished. I looked up waiting for him to answer me he shrugged and grabbed his keys "Peter come on were going to be late" he yelled. He walked over to us then bent down." you ever pull a stunt like that again and you will stay in your room for a week you got that." We stood still "do you understand me"he ordered a little louder we both started nodding. By this time Peter was here daddy nodded at Peter and he picked Mason up. I was then up in the air as well we then moved toward the car he put me in the car. "Daddy" I said
" not now Asher"and with that he shut the door. I frowned and started laughing I couldn't stop.
"Asher stop you are going to get in more trouble." 
"I can't you should have seen daddy's face he was so unimpressed." "Be quiet please Asher"  with that the two front doors opened and they got in. I didn't stop laughing even Mason joined in knowing that I wouldn't stop. Peter cover your ears daddy said. I looked confused daddy then looked at us "THAT IS ENOUGH" he bellowed.I stopped and bowed my head Mason did the same. "Sorry"we no both said he turned around and started the car. I put my head back an looked around and then at Mason he had his eyes closed. I did the same but I didn't fall asleep. I just didn't want to look at daddy anymore. It did not very long before we arrived at our destination. When we stopped I looked out the window and realized that I had no idea where we were. I looked up and saw that daddy had gotten out of the car he disappeared into a building.
"Ok one second" he replied once he got out Mason looked over at me and just grinned. Peter then got me out and once my feet hit the ground I took off running towards the door that daddy went through. I heard my name being called but like always I ignored it. Without knowing I was walking into the greatest punishment I would ever get myself into. I walked in through the door and looked around it was a store as I was walking I bumped into someone without looking at them I said sorry. I  kept on walking "Asher what are you doing here" a voice said . I stopped in my tracks and turned around I saw daddy eyes blazing red.I stepped back not wanting know what was gonna happen next. He growled at me I looked at him he growled again this time walking towards me . We did this until I backed into a wall he then walked the rest of the distance just to turn me around. He took my jacket then bent down he grabbed me and lifted my feet so that he could put something around me latched it and put my jacket back in he then walked away pulling me behind him. He walked all the way back to the car then he put me back in the car and headed to a mall where we were meeting everyone there. We were walking in when Scott came over and led us over to everybody. When we got there he took our jackets and let us walk around but not wonder. "What is this thing daddy. "
"It's a leash" he then walked over to Scott. I looked at him like he was crazy. Scott looked at us and started to talk to daddy about my leash. we roamed through the stores trying to find some more toys that we can play with because we are growing out of our old ones we are even getting a new play place. Anyways i decided to take off running but I didn't get to far before I was pulled back.
"daddy What the hell" I yelled as I reached him. He looked at me and growled "what did you say to me."You heard me" I whispered he grabbed and threw me over his shoulder. I started to bang on his back. "Enough Asher" he ordered. I slowly stopped and fell limp.
"am I still in trouble" I whispered "yes Asher you are still grounded." I heard him say " but"
"No buts Asher now close your eyes Mason is already sleeping in the cart."
"Fine love you" I heard him say it back but I was to tired to respond I fell into a deep sleep.

1 hour later
My tummy grumbled so I slowly went downstairs where I saw daddy watching something on tv. I walked over to him and climbed on his lap a snuggled my face into his chest. "Where is Mason, Peter and Isaac" I asked.
"Isaac needed to get picked up so Peter took Mason they will be back soon." I tried to nod but it was hard "I hungry dada" I whined
"ok let's get you fed" he said. "We then walked into the kitchen and he got some crackers and cheese. I sat at the table and ate it I was almost done when the door slide open and the three boys came in. I smiled at them and went over to Mason "do you wanna show daddy what we did this morning" I whispered. "Yea lets do it" he said.
"Daddy watch what we can do" he looked over and we jumped off the couch and did a flip and landed on the ground right next to each other. I looked up and saw that daddy had a frown on his face. "What now" I whined "nothing to worry about you guys are still grounded though. "
"Aww I thought he would give us a break" I whispered to Mason "me to" he replied. I walked away and went and put the tv on. I watched some cartoons for a little while. I was getting bored so I wondered over to a bar that is hanging up in the door frame. I jumped up and reached up and grabbed it and almost didn't have enough power to get up to it. I then pulled my self up and back down again until I felt someone grab my waist and pull me down." what put me down I was doing something" "whatever Asher come on we have to go see Stiles."
"Why can't I stay here"
"Because I don't trust you when your alone and you are just little now go get your shoes on" daddy replied.
"Fine"I then scampered off. Once I had my shoes on I made my way over to daddy and we went out to the car where Mason and Isaac were waiting I was put in and we were off.

40 minutes later
Stiles house just came into view " oh thank god" I sighed when we got to the drive way.when I got out I ran to the door and when he opened the door I went right to the toys. I dumped them all out and played I coloured and drew pictures. Me and Mason played with blocks it was fun. We got to the point when we just couldn't do it anymore we were falling asleep. The front door opened and the sheriff came in he smiled at us and went to talk to Stiles. "I can't do it anymore I need to sleep" I deeply whispered "me to" he whispered we then fell asleep.

Derek's pov
I got a bad feeling when I didn't hear the kids playing so I walked out to see them past out on the floor. I smiled and went back to the boys the "kids are past out so I have to go home Isaac you staying" he nodded. I then went back in picked them both up and headed home. It was after nine when I pulled in I put them to bed. I stayed up for a couple of hours before I went to bed realizing that Peter wasn't coming over.

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