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Derek's pov
I woke up and looked around, it was just getting light out. I slowly got up and headed to the shower, after I was out I heard a scream but I didn't think anything of it. As I walked down the stairs into the kitchen there was still no one there. I poured myself some cereal and went to sit on the couch. I turned the tv on and watched something stupid, about an hour later I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs and a head come into view. She walked slowly over to me and climbed up on the couch next to me I smiled and said " good morning sleepy head" she just nodded and put her head on my lap and we continued to watch tv.As the show ended I asked her if she was hungry she nodded again and we went into the kitchen and made her some waffles. When she was on her last one everybody was up and the kitchen was crowded. I was in the middle of a conversation with Peter when the door bell rang I got up and answered it It was Scott and Stiles I gave them a wired look and moved so they could come in. As they entered the house I heard a groan. I looked around and gave Peter a look but he put his hands up in the air and said "wasn't me "I nodded and looked again. Asher had her hands covering her head and she looked mad I walked over and picked her up "what's wrong sweetheart"
"I don't want to be here why did we have to come back daddy I liked New York better"
"Asher we been over this Scott needs us he's got a problem and needed more people"
"I don't care I wanna go HOME"
"That's enough now go get dressed" as I put her down she sat on the floor and started hitting the ground and kept yelling "no I wanna go home". At this point I was pissed I grabbed her small body and went upstairs to her room where I put her on the bed and started pulling clothes out of her drawers as I looked at the bed she was glaring at me I shrugged and told her to smarten up and get dressed she got up and dashed out the door I followed her knowing she would have to slow down for the stairs. As I reached the bottom she was getting her shoes on.
"What are you doing"
"I'm going home"
"Ok "and I walked away knowing that she had no idea which way to go and I knew that she wasn't going to go to far.
"Derek what are you doing" said Peter
" Just watch" as I walked to the couch and sat down where Scott and Stiles were talking with Isaac and Masons parents. It wasn't even five minutes when I felt something crawl up on to me I just kept talking because I knew who it was.
"What's wrong with Asher" I heard Mason say I looked at him and told him that she was just cranky and mad that we had to come back here. He just nodded and went back to playing with his toys that were scattered everywhere. Then something popped into my mind
"Oh crap" everyone went quiet
" I know why she's acting like this it's a full moon tonight she must have sensed it " they all nodded in agreement and went back to talking again. I got up and went to the fridge to get some water when I opened the door I  was met with nothing It was my turn to groan. I got my keys and yelled to everyone "I'm going to the store ill take Asher with me anyone else wanna come" nobody said anything so I took Asher to the car strapped her in and got in the car and started it and we were off. Once we at the store i put Asher in the cart and got the nessasities like milk bread cold meat and of course cereal after I was done we went  in the car and I told her that I had to get gas. With that I got out and was done in less then ten minutes. Then we went home. When we walked in with all the bags Isaac jumped up and helped me. I turned around and Asher was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and the door was wide open I yelled to everyone and we all ran out of the house and we went our separate ways I walked down the road following her scent as I passed a school full of kids playing something caught my eye I saw a bunch of kids in a circle and cheering somebody on. I walked over and saw something I thought I would never see it was Asher pulling some other little girls hair yelling that it was her turn on the swings at this point I yelled at her to stop everyone froze and looked at me I picked her up right as some teachers were coming over I told them that she was home schooled and that this was never gonna happen again and with that I headed home. I texted everybody that I found her and that I was at home I put her down and made her sit in the time out chair until she said sorry. She was crying her eyes out but I was to mad that I just walked away I sat on the couch and put my hands in my hair in frustration. A few moments later I heard everybody make there way in the house of course Mason went over to Asher I called him over and explained that she was on a timeout. He looked sad as he walked away. I glanced at his parents and told them to go home for the day they nodded and they headed out. But soon came back because of the full moon it was a long day and even a longer night after everybody was done I took Asher to her room for the night. I woke up in the middle of the night to someone snuggling into my chest I laughed a little gave her a kiss on the forehead and went back to sleep. .....................................................The next time I woke up everybody was here and it was almost noon I was pissed because we had to go see Deaton for some herbs that will help with the thing that Scott needs us for as we drove there I had this weird feeling that we were being watched but there was nobody there and no weird scents. When we got there I walked in with Asher's hand in my hand and we just started with our plan to stop this thing once and for all because honestly I wanted to go back to New York. I left beacon hills because if this in the first place and I could protect Asher there and because of that stupid nemeton there is a whole other world of scary things that I'm scared of not being able to protect her and she might get hurt, then there was an ear pearcing scream.

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