"I don't remember seeing him last night..." I thought before I remembered that I feel asleep at my desk last night. "Natsu must have moved me to the bed..."

He was still asleep, with a peaceful and serene look on his face, one that I couldn't help but stare at.

He twitched in his sleep, moving his arm under my head slightly, and also moving his head closer to me. Our faces were inches apart, and the closeness made my cheeks go scarlet red.

After a few seconds however, Natsu's relaxed expression tightened for a split second before his vibrant, green eyes opened.

His sleepy expression stayed the same for a few seconds while he looked at me, but as soon as he realized how we were positioned, he jumped away form me, pulling his arm from under my head and his other arm from it's spot lying against my waist.

"Uh...good morning?" He said sheepishly, his cheeks turning a light pink.

"Morning." I said after a moment, giving him a smile.

When he saw me smile, he grinned his signature toothy grin, and sat up to try and avoid an awkward silence, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He started stretching while I sat up as well.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked casually, sliding off the bed and standing up.

Natsu had a spaced-out look on his face, so I shook his shoulder gently to snap him out of it. "Natsu!"

His eyes focused on me before he let out a "Sorry" and blushed again.

My eyebrows creased at his suddenly strange behavior. "Natsu, is something the matter?" I asked slowly, giving him a no-nonsense look.

His blush deepened at my words, and he looked away bashfully. He didn't answer for a few seconds, but instead, after those few heartbeats of silence, before I could even see the action coming, his hands grabbed my wrists, pulling me close enough to him so that he could press his lip to mine.

I was frozen in surprise for a second, but almost immediately, I relaxed and kissed him back, my eyes fluttering shut.

He released my wrists as soon as he felt me respond, pulling my down to sit in his lap. My arms unthinkingly moved to wrap around he neck, and I deepened the kiss ever so slightly, running my tongue along Natsu's lower lip.

He hesitated in surprise for a moment, but then kissed me back just as feverishly.

His arms encircled me, holding me close against him. After a second or two more, he pulled back, and grinned that stupid, toothy grin at me.

"Where did that come from?" I asked breathlessly, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat.

"I...I've wanted to do that for a while now..." He admitted sheepishly, but still grinning nonetheless.

"Well, I don't see why you waited so long..." I said coyly, smirking at the shocked face he made.

"So you..." He trailed off, an uncertain look on his face.

And that's not an emotion you ever see on Natsu Dragneel.

"Love you? I do, even though I wonder why sometimes." I teased him, but my smile was genuinely happy.

He returned the smile, his arms tightening around me for a moment. When his hold on me loosened, he asked me lightly, "So you're my girlfriend now, right, Lucy?"

My cheeks were pink, but I still nodded at his words. "If that's what you want me to be." I said softly.

"Always." He murmured, kissing my knuckles lightly.

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