Heart Wrenching

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🌟Heart Wrenching🔥

It was nearing the end of the war with Tartaros. Fairy Tail was coming out victorious as always! Natsu landed the last hit on the last member. Fairy Tail had won and saved Fiore as well!

Lucy sat down on a huge rock, exhausted. She had used a lot of power during this whole fight. Now she was looking out for her best friend. Happy had already come back, looking sad but he didn't tell Lucy the reason. All he said was that she would figure out herself.

So she anxiously waited for Natsu. Finally she saw his bright pink hair over the rubble and debris. She smiled and ran to him.

"Great job on defeating h..." Lucy trailed off, losing her smile. Natsu had his eyes hidden by his bangs, but everyone could see that he was tense. He was slightly shaking. Lucy placed her hand on his shoulder. Natsu flinched, but made no move to push it off. He actually visibly relaxed. Everyone stared at her in shock. Anyone who had tried to approach him before was burned.

"What's wrong Natsu?" Lucy asked quietly. He shook his head. Lucy looked at him, worried. She walked closer to him.

"Do you wanna go somewhere more private?" She whispered in his ear. He nodded. She grabbed his hand and led him to somewhere more secluded. She let go of his hand and asked again.

"Whats wrong Natsu?" Lucy asked, softly. He stayed quiet. Lucy sighed. This wasn't gonna be easy. She walked up to him and grabbed his cheeks.

When she finally got to see his eyes, she was surprised. They were all puffy and red. Tears were coming out of them. Natsu sniffled. Lucy watched with sad eyes as he let out a sob. Natsu leaned into her hand and used one of his hands to hold on to her hand that was connected to his cheek.

"Ig..." Natsu muttered, trying to tell Lucy through the crying. Lucy stood next to him, patient. She knew whatever it was, It was hard for him, so she waited till he could breathe almost evenly.

"I-I-gne-e-el... h-he..." Natsu let out another sob. Lucy's eyes widened as she found out what happened. She looked at Natsu with empathy.

"I'm sorry for your lost." Lucy whispered.

Natsu was so tired and crying took so much out of him, he walked closer to Lucy and fell into her arms. She wrapped her arms around his figure. His arms went around her waist, helping him stand up a bit. He placed his face into the crook of her neck and breathed in. She somehow always calmed him down more than anyone else in the guild.

"I c-couldn't h-help him..." Natsu mumbled, trying not to cry into her shoulder.

"Ssshhh... its okay. You don't have to be strong. Let it all out." Right after she had said it, tears poured out of his eyes. His sobs were muted by her shoulders.

"I'm here for you. Don't worry. We can get through this together."

After his little crying fest, Natsu had tried to appear normal for everyone else. Currently, he was head-butting with Gray about who knocked out the most enemies.

Lucy watched him silently. Everyone couldn't see it, but she could. Lucy could see right through his facade. If you looked at him, he looked happy. But if you looked into his eyes, you could see his true feelings. Depression. Anguish. Guilt. Hatred.

Natsu looked over at Lucy and saw that she was staring at him. He waved Gray off and sat down next to Lucy. He leaned over, laid his head down in her lap, and closed his eyes. Lucy ran her hand through his hair and sat back. People didn't pay attention to them because Natsu was doing it all that day. Minutes later, Lucy heard faint snores from her lap. She smiled at him.

She was so happy that she could help him!

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