Chapter One

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 Pain was the only thing I could feel and focus on as I fell. But I knew-and dreaded-the fact that I was almost done falling. I could feel the air around me slowing and feel heat building up around me. I braced myself for what I knew was coming, the impact I was awaiting. For when I would fall through the ground and down into Hell.

 A silent scream escaped my lips as the ground connected with my back and wings, which I could no longer feel. I couldn't feel any part of my body anymore. I was completely numb. I hadn't decided whether or not that was a good thing. As of right now it could be either. Good or bad I would just have to endure it whether or not it brought more pain or helped cushion some of the pain. Either way there was going to be pain. And pain wasn't something I was used to.

 I could feel myself losing consciousness to the pain as the ground started to suck me down into it, closing over my face. Before it could close completely I gasped a shallow breath. All I could feel was suffocating darkness as I was pulled deeper and deeper into the ground. As the ground wrapped around me in a tight blanket, pulling at every fiber of my being, I felt myself slip into a cocoon of darkness, darkness that was just there, not trying to destroy my very essence, not sucking at my soul.


When I opened my eyes all I saw was that I was in a small room with walls that looked like the inside of seashells, smooth and white. The floor was just plain stone, tinted gray. I had a throbbing headache and black spots kept clouding my vision. I groaned as I sat back on my knees, my wings back and out. I put one hand to my head, rubbing my fingers across my forehead, trying to ease the pain in my forehead.

 After a few minutes the pain began to fade and I could finally look around and move without being in constant pain. There was still some stiffness in my joints, but I knew if I just got up, walked around, and stretched I would be fine. I blinked and my eyesight cleared enough so that I could see my surroundings clearly.

 The room was somewhat small, somewhat large. It could probably be classified as right in the middle. I could see darker areas on the floor and walls that looked like it could be blood, but it was hard to tell. I had a feeling I wasn't the first Angel to have fallen and end up in this room. I knew that every Angel that fell, fell into Hell, but I never knew where they fell into Hell. We were never really told.

 I carefully got to my feet, slowly so as not to make the headache come back. It was now all the way gone, and I wanted it to stay that way. I carefully extended one arm and rolled my shoulder, sighing as the stiffness finally faded, then I did the same to the other. I walked around the small room carefully-watching, just in case-the stiffness fading from my legs.

 The next thing I knew, I was laying flat on my face on the stone floor. I rolled onto my side, then my back, and flipped myself up onto my feet. I looked down at what looked like a body, crumpled and still.

 I crouched down and laid my hand on the shoulder of the person, rolling it over so I could see its face. I automatically saw it was a woman.

 She wore gray pants with black going down the sides and a light blue at the top, with a white design in the shape of a wolf on it. The waistband of her pants was black and rode low on her hips, dipping in a V in the front, and had a belt going around it with aquamarine gems set on a plate on white on grey. Her shirt was the same color as her pants and was just a piece of cloth over both of her breasts that was held in place by a strip of gray cloth around the back of her neck. They were held together by a thin piece of cloth that connected to a cloth that went around her neck, down the middle of her chest and there was another one connected to that one by a small white plate with an aquamarine gem set onto it. On the end of that there was white like plastic, but felt like cloth that went all the way around her body in an almost straight line, but in the front there was a curved line that a gem set into it and there were two more gems above it on two different stems that pointed to each other. It ended way above her naval.

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