Epilogue: Years Later

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+++5 Years Later+++

"CHARLIE, ELLEN!!!" I heard Aaron boom before he ran out of the bathroom next to the kitchen.

"What's the..."I started to laugh seeing drawings all over Aaron's face. 

"This isn't funny" he hissed.

"I'm sorry baby" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Charlie, Ellen come out babies" I yelled. 

A few seconds later They both climbed up the ladder and stood hiding behind me from Aaron. That made his face soften, "Come here you two" he said gently as I was washing the last of the drawings off of his face.

"We are sorry Daddy don't eat us" Ellen cried.

"I would never, you two are my daughters...Why would I do that?" Aaron said quietly.

"Johnny in school said you ate papa a few years ago and it scared us" Charlie cried.

Aaron sighed and looked at me, I knelled down to the 10 year olds, "A very bad man from my past knocked out daddy and shoved me down his throat. Daddy got me out as soon as he woke up and cried apologies to me for almost everyday for a year" I said looking at them with tears in my eyes.

"Aaron do you mind taking the girls I need some air" I said before breaking down.

Charlie and Ellen ran over to me, "Papa what's wrong?" They asked frantically as Aaron picked all of us up and put us on his chest over his heart where I started to relax.

"I'm sorry, that just dug an old wounds my babies. Just know daddy would never hurt you, he will always protect us" I said wiping my eyes.

"I'm sorry daddy" they both said to Aaron at the same time.

"It's OK girls, let watch a movie" Aaron said before he took out his phone and texted Jessi.

"OK Jessi is going to manage the shop tonight, what movie do you what to watch" Aaron asked.

I smiled and looked him straight in the eyes, "Beauty and the Beast" I said which made him grow a bigger smile and the girls giggle and nodded.

After the movie we all ate ice cream and talked about our days. Ellen and Charlie told us everything and Aaron just sighed when they got to the part of Johnny.

They both walked over to Aaron and hugged him, "We love you daddy" they said hugging his hand. A smile grew on his face, "I love you two also and you too honey" he said looking at me for the last part.

"I know plus I'm as good as you can get" I said with a wink.

He just shook his head laughing before looking at the girls, "Do you two want to play a game?" he asked.

"Hide and Seek" they both said making me laugh.

"OK, you have 1 minute...Go" Aaron said covering his eyes and counting.

We hid under the couch seat and Aaron saw us. 

"Awe my feet are hurting I should sit down on this soft couch" he said with a smile as all of us ran out of there making him laugh.

"Found you" he said laughing.

The two girls giggled and I just look at him with a glare remembering the last time he sat on me...That was the last time it was chili for dinner in this house. He must of remembered too because he kissed me.

"I love you" he said with a gulp.

"I love you too but, I wont forgive you for that" I said looking away.

"Fine my love" he whispered seductively on me.

"Girls time for bed...Daddy and Papa need to check on something in our bedroom" I said.

"OK Goodnight Daddy and Papa" they both said yawning and leaving.

"Time to try and make you forgive me again" he growled carrying me into our bedroom where he started to unbuckle his belt as he closed and locked the door.

"Game On Aaron" I said with a smirk making him growl again.

+++9 Years Later+++

"Dad, Papa we're home" Ellen called out.

"We are in the kitchen" Aaron shouted back.

"I hope they like them" I said worried.

"I know they will like them" Aaron said with a smile.

"Like what?" Charlie asked stepping onto the counter with Ellen right behind her. 

"These" I said taking two pairs of car keys out from behind me, "Happy birthday my babies" I said kissing the top of their heads.

"You got us a car!" Charlie shrieked.

"No we got each of you a car" Aaron said with a smile.

They both ran into me and hugged me grabbing the keys before they ran to Aaron and hugged his chin. 

"Happy birthday my baby girls" he said. 

"You two are the best parents ever!" They both said at the same time.

"We know" Aaron and I said at the same time making all of us laugh.

The End 

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed my book and will check out my other books including my new one that will be out tonight called Adam Atom. I hope you all have a great day/night my lovelies :)

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