Chapter 3: Aaron

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"Now get going you two" Principle Lock said basically pushing Jessi out of the office. When we got into the hallway everyone was looking at me on Jessi's shoulder. They were not just looking but, starring at me which made me gulp. 

Jessi patted my head and walked to the classroom. First period, anatomy...just great a class about humans and borrowers and I'm the only borrower here. The teacher an older woman greeted us.

"Hello, you must be Jessi" she said to my sister who nodded.

"And you have to be Robert, I'm Mrs. Adams" she said smiling warmly at us.

"Yes but, I rather be called Robby ma'am" I said.

She just chuckled, "OK Robby, you can either stay with your sister or sit on my desk..." she leaned in. "Don't call me ma'am I'm not 40...yet" she said which made me and Jessi laugh.

The bell rang and Jessi sat at the lab table in front of the class. There was no one there which made me sigh as she put me down on the table. Mrs. Adams cleared her throat after the bell rang and she shut the door.

"Hello class, we have two new students" she said motioning to us.

"This is Jessica Johnson" she said putting her hand on Jessi's shoulder.

She looked at me, "May I?" she asked and I nodded.

She picked me up, "And this is Robby Johnson" she said and than put me down gently.

"Be nice to them or I will make all of you watch live child birth videos all period" she said sternly to the class.

After that class went on smoothly, I only got glances here and there but, overall I liked anatomy. The bell rang and I was sad the class ended, I also remembered Jessi doesn't have the next two classes with me. Jessi picked me up and Mrs. Adams came over.

"I'll take you to your next class Robby" she said with a smile.

I nodded and walked over to her open palm and said by to Jessi. My class was two doors down and it was Math.

"Mr. James?" Mrs. Adams said.

A middle aged man popped his head up from behind his desk.

"This is Robby Johnson your new student" She said walking over to his desk and setting me down. She said bye to me and walked out of the room.

"Hello Robby welcome to advance models and functions" he said smiling at me.

"Hi" I said back and looking down feeling my anxiety kick in from not having Jessi around. 

"Oh a shy one, well don't worry you can stay on my desk for class if it makes you feel better" he said.

"I'll go to a desk" I said looking up at him.

He just smiled, "That's the spirit lad" he said putting his palm out in front of me.

He lifted me up and the class was starting to fill up as he put me down on the front desk so he can keep an eye on me. A girl with purple hair came into the room and saw me. She smiled and waved as she sat down in the desk next to mine.

"Hi my name is Cassandra, so you are the new guy everyone keeps talking about" she said as the bell rang. Mr. James cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Good morning class we have a new student, Robby Johnson" he said pointing to me and I turned around and waved. I noticed the desk behind me was empty and had carvings in it as I turned back around and sat down.

Class went by so slow and it sucked. Halfway through it a guy in a white shirt with a leather jacket and pants walked in. He had on these cowboy boots what was really loud that I flinched when he got close. His eyes locked onto my body and a smirk grew on his face as he sat down in the desk behind me and knocked into mine making me almost fall off the edge.

Cassandra quickly caught me from sliding off the edge with worry on her face. She looked at him, "Watch it Aaron! You stupid donkey" she said to the guy who walked in.

"Oh I watched and was entertained" he said looking at me. 

"Robby are you OK?" she asked.

"Yeah thanks" I said as Mr. James came over.

"Here you can sit on my desk" he said quietly to me as he picked me up. He than turned and looked at Aaron, "You stay after class" he said sternly as he brought me over. The whole time I felt Aaron starring at me. The bell rang and I jumped causing Aaron to laugh.

"That is called a bell bug" he said mockingly and Cassandra hit him over the head.

"If you don't stop picking on him I will tell mom and dad or slash your motorcycle tires!" she said.

She turned and walked to me putting her palm out for me step on. "Come on, I'm not like that stupid gorilla over there" she said smiling.

"Alright" I said quietly and stepped on.

She was carrying me to the lunch room as Mr. James started to yell at Aaron. When we got there I felt jumpy since everyone stopped and looked. She sat down at the only empty table as Jessi walked in the lunch room. She looked worried until she saw Cassandra and I, she then walked over to us and sat down.

"Well looks like you made a new friend before me" she said smiling.

"Cassandra this is Jessi, my sister and Jessi this is Cassandra my friend" I said.

"I'm sorry about my brother Cassandra said looking down.

"What did he do?" Jessi asked and I explained what happened.

"Thank you Cassandra for looking out for Robby" Jessi said.

"No problem he is the only other person besides you that will talk to me because of Aaron" she said.

"Well you have two friends now" I said looking up at her. 

"Thanks" she said before he showed up at the end of the table with a stupid grin on his face.

"What did I tell you about talking to guys let alone bugs Cassandra" he said before Jessi slapped him which barely phased him. 

"Don't you dare talk about him like that" she said.

Aaron than moved the table and I fell down.

"Pathetic" he said with a proud grin until the bell rang.

"See you around bug" he said laughing and walking away.

"I am going to poison him tonight" Cassandra said.

"I'll help you" Jessi said. 

Jessi dropped me off at my next period which was writing. I didn't mind it until he walked in and sat at the desk I was at. This teacher didn't acknowledge me or him as he picked me up. He put me in his pocket and zipped it closed. 

For once I am not scared but, I was pissed off so I sat down and crossed my arms until the bell rang and he got up making me fall over. I punched his stomach which only made him laugh. I heard a door open, close, and than lock. He walked somewhere and sat down unzipping his pocket that was starting to feel like an oven.

He picked me up and raised me to his eyes. They were a lavender color I was in awe for a moment and than came to my senses and turned around. 

"Look at me bug" she said as he grabbed me in his fist and started to squeeze.

"No" I coughed out as he turned me in his fist.

"You're brave bug" he said bringing me to his mouth. 

"He tried to kill me that way so be more creative" I said with tears in my eyes, not of fear but of anger.

"Huh?" Aaron said.

"Lets eat the little guy how fucking creative Aaron!" I shouted.

He just looked disgusted, "Oh you can't believe that another bully tried to do that to me? Well it did happen and a whole ton of other shit too. You don't know me or anything I have faced you jerk!" I yelled as I hit the panic button in my arm.

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