"Ah Gilbert can you 'elp me with choosing ze best bottle? 'Ey weren't Elizaveta et Arthur 'ere... GILBERT I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Arthur heard Francis shriek, followed by a very high pitched scream.

He sank back into his chair, red faced from laughing along with Elizaveta. "Vhat did mein dummkopf of a bruder do now?" Ludwig sighed, running a hand through his slicked back hair, messing it up slightly.

The group shared laughter at the amusing incident, and Arthur grew quite sad when he found out that he had to leave, as it was getting quite late and Alfred needed to go to bed. 

"Alfred? Where are you we need to go home." he called, climbing the stairs and knocking on doors. 

"Over here daddy!" Alfred chirped, opening a door and poking his head out into the hallway. "Mattie was showing me his train collection." 

"That's great, but it really is time to go." 

"Oh iz zhe attractive Brit going to leave vithout even saying bye?" A voice teased from behind him, and Arthur knew it was Gilbert. 

"I'm not attractive you tosser!" He sputtered, turning to face the German man, hoping his face wasn't as red as it felt. Curse his tendency to blush easily. 

"Kesekesekese zhe French guy downstairs begs to differ." Gilbert snickered, before his face grew serious. "Can I talk to jou for a minute?" 

"S-sure. Alfred you can play with Matthew for a little longer." 

"Yay! Thanks Mr. Awesome!" Alfred cheered, closing the door. 

"Mr. Awesome?" Arthur asked, raising one eyebrow as Gilbert ushered him into an empty room. 

"Hey it's true. But zhat's not vhat I vanted to talk about. Vhat I vant to know is vhat jou and Francis are." 

"Just friends." Arthur insisted, fidgeting uncomfortably. 

Gilbert snorted. "Ja and mein bruder iz straight. Zhat's complete scheiße and jou know it." He rolled his crimson eyes. 

"I don't even know if he likes me back!" Arthur protested, then realized what he said. 

Oh god what am I, a teenage girl? Why am I telling him this? 

"Vell jou must be blind zhen. He'z been doing nozhing but staring at jou for zhe whole dinner. If he didn't like you as much as he does, jou would already have been in his bed. Francis flirts a lot, but he doesn't fall easily and zhat's vhat he did." 

"R-really?" Arthur said hopefully, hating how small his voice sounded. 

"Ja." The German man smirked, then threw open the door. "Danke!" he yelled over his shoulder before sprinting down the stairs. 

"What?" Arthur asked, staring at his retreating back, but his question was soon answered. 




Arthur's mouth opened in a short scream of anger and embarrassment, and he heard a mirroring scream come from downstairs, along with a small squeal of joy.

"OW LIZZIE VHAT ZHE HELL VAS ZHAT FOR?" he heard a dull clang, and scolding in a mixture of Hungarian, German, Italian, and English. 

 Arthur buried his head in his hands, wishing he could just sink through the floor. "Arthur? Ou es-tu?" A voice speaking French rang out, and Arthur groaned, not lifting his head.

"Go away Francis." he grumbled.

"Papa is still in ze kitchen, yelling at uncle Gil." The same voice said softly, and Arthur found Matthew standing in the doorway, one hand on the doorknob. "Are you ok?" Matthew asked quietly, climbing onto the bed where Arthur was sitting.

"It's grown-up stuff lad. You wouldn't understand." The adult said, ruffling the child's hair.

"You like papa and 'e likes you. I can understand zat." Matthew stated, looking at Arthur. He laughed a bit as Arthur's mouth fell open, shocked that it was that easily noticed. "It is... 'ow do you say? Obvious. Papa even calls you 'mon amour'." Matthew pointed out, getting off of the bed and out the door.

"Arthur, are you in 'ere?" Francis's voice drifted through the open door, and the Brit raised his head. "Oh mon ange je suis tellement désolé. I 'ad no idea zat Gilbert would do zat." He said, entering the door and taking a seat beside the Englishman.

"Is it true?" Arthur asked, his voice a bit muffled due to him burying his head in his hands again, in an effort to cover up his blushing face.

"Of course mon amour." Francis whispered, taking Arthur's hands away to reveal him with a light pink blush dusting his cheeks, his beautiful emerald orbs looking up at Francis, framed by impossibly long lashes. Francis had never seen anything more beautiful. The distance between them closed, and Arthur closed his eyes, feeling almost impossibly soft lips softly touch his own. The Frenchman wrapped his arms around Arthur, pulling him closer and pulling him into the best kiss Arthur had ever experienced. When they finally pulled apart, Arthur opened his eyes to find Francis gazing softly at him, sapphire orbs soft with love.

"Francis?" Arthur hesitantly whispered, reaching out a hand to softly caress the other's cheek.

"Oui mon lapin?" Francis hummed, catching Arthur's hand and kissing it lightly.

"What does 'mon amour' mean?"

"It means my love." Francis replied, a smile gracing his features, curling his lips up gently. 

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