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Madison p.o.v

It's been a month since my mom passed away. Home feels so empty without her. It's like a big part of me is missing. Yesterday my aunt Melissa called us and asked if my brother and I where okay and if we wanted to stay with her. We didn't answer we wanted to think first. Staying here in Amsterdam was fun, but we have no family left here. We have Luke my stepfather but it's awkward staying with him alone. Today we finally made the choice to go back. Back to Beacon Hills. We have packed our stuf and we are on our way to the airport. I'm very excited to go back, to be honest I missed Beacon Hills. After a long flight we finally arrived. Melissa said she wanted to pick us up, but it would take a long time to come here, so my brother Brent and I called a taxi. Driving to Beacon Hills felt like ages. Once we where in Beacon Hills I saw my old school and memories started coming back. It hasn't changed much since we moved, but it still feels a bit different. The taxi stops in front of a house probably my aunts house. Brent pays  the taxi and we ring the bell. A familiar face opens the door. "Stiles who is it?" I hear someone say. "Stiles?" Brent asks. "Brent? Madison? My god you guys have changed so much." Stiles says. We start to hug each other. Once we got in we saw Scott standing in the livingroom. "Madison? I haven't seen you in years!" Scott says and we hug. Scott and Brent started hugging and talking. "I should show you your rooms. Madison ha got the bigger room with the bathroom. Sorry Brent." Scott says with a smile. "Yesss." I say. "Brent your room is here right next to my room. Madison your room is at the end of the hallway." Scott says. I walk into my new room and it's  so much better than I expected. It has a big window with a tree in front of it and a big bathroom. I start to unpack my stuf. After 40 minutes I walk to Brent's room to see what his room looks like. His room is also big and has a nice green color. He already hung up his posters and a few pictures of him and his friends, of him and me and a few pictures of mom. She looks so beautiful in each picture. "You want to eat something?" Brent asks. "Sure, where do you want to go?" I ask. "Do you remember the old restaurant mom used to bring us?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "Well I just asked Scott if it still was there and he said it was. Scott and Stiles are coming with us. Be ready in 10 minutes." He said. "Okay." I said. And I walked back to my room to make myself  ready. I dressed up and did a little bit of make-up.  It did take me 8 minutes. Scott and Stiles where already downstairs waiting. "Madison, Are you ready?" Brent shouted from downstairs. "Yes I am coming." I said and I ran downstairs. "Finally.." Brent said. "It hasn't even been 10 minutes." I said. "Guys I only have 2 hours so lets be quick." Stiles said. Stile drove us with his jeep. We talked A LOT with each other. I had missed them so much in Amsterdam. I told them about Amsterdan. I also brought some stroopwafels from there but they were in my room. Scott told us that Melissa already registered us in Beacon Hills High and that we had to start school within 2 days. After eating and talking Stiles drove us back home.  Scott stayed a while whit us but he had some stuff  to do so he left. Brent and I just chilled till Melissa came home. We hugged and talked with her. After that I helped her while making some dinner. Scott called to say that he couldn't come for dinner. After eating dinner Melissa went to sleep cause she had to wake up early. Brent and I decided to walk outside even though it was late. We walked 30 minutes and i got very tired. "Brent can we turn back home now. It's very late and I'm tired." I said for the sixth time. "Okay. But I just forgot if we had to turn left after or before this tree." Brent said. "Please don't tell me you forgot." I said. "Sorry Maddie." He said. "Call Scott and tell him to pick us up." I said. "My phone is back at home. I forgot my phone." He said. "Thats very smart of you." I said with a sarcastic tone. "Can't you call him?" He asked. "No because my phone is out of battery." I said. "Damnit." He said. We walked for 1 hour and we finally made it home. Just when we were about to ring the bell we heard Scott come from behind us. "Hey guys where did you go?." He asked. "We went to walk." I said. "Oh god, you guys don't  have keys. Here you can have my spare and I will ask my mom tomorrow one for you too Maddie." Scott said. "Thank you." I said. "No problem." He said. "Good Night Scott." Brent said while walking to his room. "GoodNight." I shouted from my room. "Good night." Scott said back. I got in my bed and I quickly fell asleep....

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