"And what about you?" I pressed, cocking an eyebrow, "what Station are you from?"

Almost laughing, she rolled her eyes, "does it matter? As of right now, none of us are apart of a Station anymore."

Ignoring her statment, I proceeded to speak, "you're from one, aren't you? That means the Reinforcers are going in order. Next, there will be someone from four, and then five." I allowed my teeth to clamber upon my lower lip in thought, analyzing the situation before me, "how long have you both been in here?"

As predicted, Anthony answered first, his voice now withholding a bit more confidence, "I think I've been in here about two hours. I don't know about her though, she was here before me."

Averting my eyes to the woman, I furrowed my brows. Beckoning her to say at least something that could assist my thought process. And, miraculously, she did. Blowing out a warm breath of air before reluctantly revealing she had been in the vehicle for about four hours. I was pleased with her participation, nodding my head with the utmost satisfaction.

Each Station was probably two hours away from one another. My point being, we have approximately two hours until something happens to us.


So far, my suspicions had rang true. For, after we about hit the two hour mark, an elderly man was thrusted into the rear-end of the vehicle. A painful gash sliced within the side of his skull, due to his attempts at roughhousing with the malevolent Reinforcer. He was adorned in a full, white beard scavenging about his thin lips, though his head remain bare. His sad whines and pleas radiated off of our cell-like surroundings, before he briefly collapsed all together. Momentarily unconscious due to the immense stress he was undergoing.

Next came yet another male. Appearing slightly older than the woman in whom accompanied me, although younger than the eldest man. As for his appearance, he was attired in a set of worn, muddy, jeans. His arms and legs gaunty, although his belly bulged outwards in the slightest. This man seemed a bit more reserved and calm than mine and the older male's abrupt outbursts. For, he merely lugged himself into a corner. Refusing to make eye contact with any of us. Yet, I presume I didn't blame him. This wasn't exactly a time to be bonding, nor an area of socialization.

Anthony, the young child to my left, had held it together quite nicely for the majority of the ride. Granted, there were two to three different times in which he would weep with melancholy off to the side. But, other than that, I deemed him to be strong. For, at his age, I would surely be a heartbroken disaster. He was durable.

As of right now, I was itching to be released from the horrific vehicle. I had been uncomfortably shuffling around in this petite place for a whopping ten hours total. My throat burned with thirst and my stomach growled deviously with hunger, not only that but we also hadn't exactly gotten any bathroom breaks. I wasn't sure as to how the curly haired woman kept her sanity in check. For, she had been seated much longer than I was, as was the little boy.

Silence enveloped the crisp area, all while I was lost timidly within my thoughts. I couldn't help but notice a mere pattern as I glanced around at the people before me. Anthony was ten years old, and I was twenty. The woman to my right seemed to be about 35-40 or so. And, the lanky man I presumed was around 55; 50 if I were being generous. As for the elder, my guess was nothing younger than 65. Although, I definitely wouldn't be surprised if I was off by a decade.

Nobody was around the same age, and I couldn't help but find that a bit peculiar. It wasn't a coincidence, right? There had to be something obscure going on here. I was sure of it.

My palms glided effortlessly across the metal floor, all while I audibly shifted over to where the woman was placed. Gaining her undivided attention in almost no time, her disheveled hair whisking about her firm features.

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