The Gunman (M) (5/13)

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Name: Lawrence Trevors

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Panromantic heterosexual

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Sexuality: Panromantic heterosexual

Species: Vampire

Weight: 145 Ibs

Height: 5'10

Personality: Lawrence is a quiet mysterious man who works for the government. He is amazing at his job and served in the military for six years which has led to a mild case of PSTD.

Likes: Weapons (mostly guns) and being left alone

Dislikes: Crowded areas, anything that reminds him of his military service.

Backstory: Find out >:)

Flaws: He appears cold and harsh as he likes to stay away from people

Strengths: He is good at protecting others and is very handy with any type of gun

Relationships: Lawrence has had a few boyfriends and girlfriends but the relationship never actually lasted long due to him being away so much

Other: N/A


MAKE IT UP! However it must relate to anything about the military or guns.

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