Author's Note

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So, when I started this story, I had just finished watching all the seasons of Supernatural, and thus wished to add to the ever growing collection of FanFiction that permeates the internet. What I failed to realize, however, was that Danny doesn't belong in this story, nor even in this world. The Winchesters aren't his family, and this story isn't his. This story is that of a much different man, a man Danny could never be.

Thus, I have decided to give Danny a brand new story, and a brand new world to play in. The world he truly belongs in: The Vampire Diaries. There, his story can finally be told in the manner that befits his character. He can finally be portrayed as the person/creature he truly is. Of course, he could never fully leave the world of Supernatural behind. So, I've decided to join the two worlds together, with some major/minor changes that may or may not piss you off.

1.The Winchesters won't be in it.
-The reasoning for that being is that this is Danny's story. His trials, his hardships as he tries to come to terms with who/what he really is. This is a journey that he must take by himself, with no human distractions. Now, that's not to say that the Winchesters never existed. Quite the opposite, really. Their friendly neighborhood vampire simply stepped in before Azazel could give his blood to Sam and kill Mary. The Winchesters are all happy, together, and alive. Edit: This no longer the case, the boys are staying in.

2.The cases that the Winchesters worked have/will be done by Danny.
-Being that he's a powerful vampire who can only be killed by stakes, beheading, etc., it's reasonable to assume that Danny would be able to handle something that took two or more badass humans to handle. Now, that's not to say that other characters won't help out. Garth, Bobby, and others will assist in cases that they assisted in on the show. Edit: Winchesters will work most of the cases, with Danno occasionally tagging along.

3.Danny will have the demon-killing knife in the beginning of the story.
-There are multiple reasons for this, I shall only give the ones that aren't spoilers for the next story. Danny is a person who hates demons, and thus would be unable to be influenced by someone like Ruby. He will obtain the knife in some other manner, which will be told later on in the new story.

4.I'm changing some of Danny's abilities.
-No more skinwalking. There was never any use for it in the stories anyway. The fire and ice powers will stick, and the reason for him having them will be explained relatively early on in the story. Edit: Fire and ice aren't nice, so they're out.

5.This isn't a change, but will hopefully make you happy: Castiel and Crowley will both be in the story, and both will have slightly larger parts to play than in Supernatural. Especially Crowley. Edit: Evidently, Danny likes the angel more. So Cassie gets the bigger role.

I apologize to those of you who were enjoying this story and wanted to read more. However, I must stay true to Danny and his story. Perhaps another time, Danny may find his way back to the Winchesters? Who knows? For now, however, this is not where he belongs. And so, I must return him to his rightful place, and his rightful home. I sincerely hope to see you all there!

Always and Forever,

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