Scotty and Some Bodies

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Mystic Falls, Virginia

Daniel Salvatore liked to believe he had it all. Money, a hot wife, a group of rambunctious munchkins to look after, ya know, the works. Unfortunately, that wasn't everything he wanted. What he really wanted was his brothers. They had been radio silent thus far, not even a text or a letter by carrier pigeon-surprisingly, that had actually happened to him a few times.

Instead, here he was lounging in his favorite armchair by the roaring fireplace, a book in one hand, a glass of bourbon in the other. He wasn't entirely sure what he was reading at this point, his attention was wandering at this point. Something about an orphan kid with a walrus uncle and Shamu for a cousin? He gave a small shrug and took a swig of his bourbon, scowling slightly as he finished the glass. With a sigh, he snapped the book shut, placing it on the side table before rising to his feet and stretching.

"And here I thought you were just gonna sit on your ass all day," came a voice from the entryway.

Danny turned his head slightly, looking at the thirteen-year-old with wavy black hair, icy blue eyes, and freckles dusting over his cheeks. He wore a faded grey hoodie over some well-worn jeans, and his feet were bare.

Danny raised an eyebrow, attempting to make his face and voice stern as he said, "Language, Ace."

The boy, Ace, leaned against the entryway, smirking as he cheekily responded with, "It's English."

Danny smirked in response, going over and ruffling the kid's hair before saying, "That's my boy. Might want to try another language, you're less likely to get caught that way."

Ace grinned, chuckling as he said, "I'll keep that in mind, Dad. Are we gonna spar today?"

Danny was about to answer when 'Barbie Girl' began to play suddenly. He glanced around, checking his pockets before finally locating his phone.

Flipping it open, he said, "Deano, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Burkitsville, Indiana. Couples have gone missing the same day every year. You said you wanted to hunt, so let's hunt. None of that magic crap though, you hear?" came the response from the other side of the phone.

Danny rolled his eyes, responding with, "Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. I love you too."

There was a click on the other line as Dean hung up, prompting Danny to flick his phone closed and place it back in his pockets. Walking over to one of the walls, he pulled one of the panels open, taking out his 'go bag'. Slinging it over his shoulder, he gave Ace a rather sad smile at the disappointed look on his face.

"I'm guessing you're hunting and I'm not?" Ace mumbled, kicking the floor with his foot.

Danny walked over to the boy, crouching in front of him and hugging him, saying, "You'll get your chance one day, kiddo. Don't you worry about that. Besides, someone's gotta keep your brothers and sister in line, your mom can't do it all by herself. Can I count on you to hold down the fort?"

Ace sniffled, wrapping his arms around his dad, and giving a chuckle as he said, "You're crazy if you think anyone can keep Nik in line."

Danny gave another smile, ruffling the kid's hair before standing up and walking out of the library. He headed towards the door, pausing to text his wife where he was going before exiting the house, locking the door behind him.

As he made his way to the front gates, he took a moment to survey the house behind him. The Old Salvatore Boarding House was what it was once called. Now he just called it 'home'. The safest place on earth, in his mind, and the only place he was willing to raise his family.

He turned away once more, walking towards the nearest bus station that would take him to Burkitsville.

Danny was walking down the road to Burkitsville, having gotten a ride to the next town over when he heard rather obnoxious honking behind him. He turned, scowling before brightening up as he spotted the black '67 chevy Impala. With a smile, he walked over to the passenger's side, which was absent one Sammy Winchester. With a shrug, he popped open the door, tossing his bag in the back before sitting in the front. No sooner had he closed the door then Dean took off, barreling down the road.

"Were you really planning to walk all the way to Burkitsville?"

"Were you really planning on not telling me where Sammy is?" Danny shot back with a raised eyebrow.

Dean looked at him with a scowl, magically able to drive perfectly without looking at the road.

"We're on a break."

"Hmm....fair enough, I suppose. If you don't wanna tell me, that's your thing," Danny replied, leaning back with his hands behind his head, eyes closed.

Dean took a moment to look taken aback. He was sure his brother would barge in with some snarky remark, and they would argue all the way to Burkitsville, just like they had on the wendigo case. Dean eyed him suspiciously for a moment before turning his gaze back to the road, noting that they were driving into Burkitsville now. Dean pulls over to the side of the road and pulls out his cell phone. He selects the name "Sam Mobile" and thinks about calling Sam. He changes his mind and closes his cell phone, then shuts off the car and gets out. Danny follows, stretching slightly as he did so and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

They make their way over to a place called Scotty's Café. A guy-presumably Scotty is sitting in a chair on the porch. The brothers walk up to him like the hotshots they thought they were.

Dean gestured to the sign, pointing at the man and saying, "Let me guess; Scotty."

Scotty glanced at the sign before replying with, "Yep."

"Hi, my name's John Bonham," Dean smiled in a rather self-assured way.

"Isn't the drummer for Led Zepplin?" Scotty inquired.

Dean looked taken aback for a moment before recovering with, "Wow. Good. Classic rock fan."

Danny waved a hand, saying, "Name's Richard Speight. Everyone calls me Dick though. Whether it's because of the name or my personality, I'll let you find out."

"What can I do for you, John and Dick?" Scotty inquired.

Dean takes two pieces of paper out of his pocket. They are Missing Person flyers for Holly and Vince Parker.

"I was wondering if, uh, you'd seen these people by chance," Dean asked.

Scotty looks at the flyers, saying, "Nope. Who are they?"

"Friends of ours. They went missing about a year ago. They passed through somewhere around here, and I've already asked around Scottsburg and Salem—"Dean began.

"And apparently no one's seen them there either. So, either you're bullshitting us, or these people found Narnia and magically disappeared," Danny finished, narrowing his eyes at Scotty.

Scotty took a moment to scowl at Danny, before handing the flyers back to Dean, saying, "I can see why they call you 'Dick'. As for your friends, sorry, we don't get many strangers around here."

"Can't imagine why," Danny smiled sarcastically.

"Scotty, you've got a smile that lights up a room, anybody ever tell you that?" Dean smiled.

Scotty stared at them strangely.

Dean chuckled, saying, "Never mind. See you around."

The brothers then proceeded to walk away, slightly more suspicious than before.

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