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thankyou so much for reading Treated!

I'm new to this so please don't kill me if you don't like my ideas! But feel free to share your own in the comments!

ps I'm from NZ and so i dont have that much knoweledge of Washington where this is actually set, so just use your imagination if you're from there and don't recognise some of my places, you probably wont anyway because alot are made up. lol.

In no way am I associated with Harry Styles or his family and this story is totally fictional for entertainment purposes only. Please don't copy any of my ideas and if you see anyone doing so inform me right away.

ok love you and enjoy!

Renae xx

'He was always searching for everyone elses cure, that he never understood how much he needed to be treated.'

I sat on the snowy step outside Mulldreary Hospital and pulled out my cell phone to find no new messages. It was another day lost hoping for contact from outside these gates.



I don’t know why I kept waking up each day with the small trace of hope that my family could be on their way to me. They all packed up and left the minute I moved into the Hospital, and I can’t help myself from wondering if that was their lucky break because they had all been waiting for the perfect opportunity to abandon me. I was never the favourite anyway. My bright points of view and opinions were always contrasting against their grey way of seeing the world.

I shake my head to think of something else and tuck my wavy blonde hair back behind my ears. The light snowfall shifts off the shoulders of my old beige duffel coat. My bottom is beginning to numb against the cold, cracked concrete through my jeans and I stand, casting my blue eyes over the long white building.

God it’s in terrible shape. There are many thick vines crawling up and into cracks of the once white concrete walls of the hospital. An L from the rusty copper ‘Mulldreary’ sign had fallen long before I had arrived. I sigh. But this is home. 

I click the home button on my phone. 5.45PM the too dimly lit screen tells me. I’m already fifteen minutes late past my afternoon curfew but I doubt anyone would notice. There was little enough staff running around trying to look after patients to be bothered about a lonely girl outside the door.

I wasn’t allowed to leave the perimeter and the large steel gates were always locked in case anyone ever tried to get out. I guess it was because no one watches while you’re outside, but this was a rule I’d never wish to change.

Although I am quite regularly alone in this hospital, I still like to have time by myself. There’s a difference, I think, between being alone and feeling alone. And the time I spend away from endless white walls, sitting on this step is wisely invested in the noiseless jubilee of simply being the only person there.

I turn away from the stretch of snow peppered grass before the gates and hop up the four steps to the entrance of the hospital. I have to push against the locked door with my left hand and pull the open door with my right so my small body has enough strength to get in through the heavy wooden entrance. I plug in my headphones and allow myself to be consumed by the music while I headed for the left wing towards the department I was allocated to, turning the volume even louder on my phone.

I think I got a little too consumed as I rounded the corner because I had no chance to look up before I was taken to the ground by a tall muscular body crashing into my front. I land on my back, knocking the wind right out of myself. I tightly shut my eyes to try ignore some of the pain but it managed to sneak its way through my defence. I open my eyes and a small scream falls from my mouth as I meet worried green eyes loitering a small distance from mine.

The man on top of me mouths something but I shake my head misunderstandingly. I pull out my ear buds.


The brown curly haired stranger drops his gaze and smiles, deep dimples appearing on his cheeks. I wasn’t sure what he found amusing.

“I said are you alright? I didn’t mean to hit you.” His accent was thick, British and charming. But it lacked something that could make an average young girl swoon by his tongue.

He interrupts my thoughts by standing up and pulling me by the hand with him. He picks up his black beanie that had fallen off and puts it back on his head, some intentional curls creeping out the side while the others were pushed back. His plain grey jumper and black skinny jeans took none of the attention away from his sculpted face and I couldn't help myself from wondering if he planned that or if he could just look good in anything. 

“Sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I finally reply, pointing to my headphones. I couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were so mesmerising, unlike any I had ever seen. He stands much taller than me, even if I was on my tippy toes I would barely reach his shoulders, although, I am pretty tiny.

His smile returns and I can’t help smiling back up at him. Suddenly he looks away, frowning, furrowing his eyebrows together, and as if he wasn’t on top of me just moments ago.

“Erm I have to go now.” I took a step back and he bends over to pick up the novels that had spilt from his carry bag along with some water and half a bar of Moro. He stands back up and nods at me, taking long strides around the corner towards the exit.

Of course I followed him, my curiosity getting the best of me. I had no idea what I would say to the beautiful man I had just met, but I knew I needed to say something.

“I like Moro’s too!” I yelled at him as he reaches the door. He turns and looks over his shoulder at me, one of his dark eyebrows slightly rising. I shift my weight from one leg to the other awkwardly. He’s just staring. I look down to my feet trying to gain the equivalent confidence I had a moment ago. I could talk to guys spontaneously, but as soon as that was over I was back to shy and awkward.

“My name is Charlece. But I prefer Charlie.” I said to the stranger who was still observing me. I expectantly look up at him.

 “Well,” he says, not an ounce of emotion clear on his features, “isn’t that a nice name.”

He opens the door and steps out of the hospital, and then he was gone. A chance I had taken for something exciting had just simply walked away, leaving me embarrassed and alone in the wide empty hall.






phew first chapter! please let me know what you think! i'll update if i fell someones interested so let me know if you want me to and i will!!

btw my twitter is bandilous and instagram renaewatson

vote vote vote! please it takes less than one second! 

love you

Renae xx

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