Chapter 31

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I cradle the infant in my arms and smile at him. He looks so much like her it hurts. I understand why Thranduil wants me to watch him while he heals. The king is a fighter though; he will get through this loss. I will try to heal myself through the company of this little one.

I finish packing my things and throw the bag over my shoulder. I fix the sling for Arthon so that he can rest comfortably while I ride for Rivendell. Elrond has offered safe haven for the child and I know Rhovanel would have wanted her son to learn as much as possible. To read the history of our race and learn from it.

Maybe someday he will read about the battle she and Thranduil were in at Gundabad. And he will learn of his parents when he is ready.

I carefully mount the ashen mare Thranduil gifted me. Arthon gurgles slightly, but stays asleep.

"Here, this will make the trip easier. For the both of you," Tarawen chuckles as she hands me a small pacifier.

"Thank you. I hope to see you in Rivendell sometime soon." She blushes and turns away from me.

"I wonder if any of us will get out of this place much. It seems as if the Woodland Realm is going to isolate itself from the rest of the world. At least until King Thranduil's heart heals."

"I fear that this kind of wound never fully heals. Scar tissue will form, and he will believe himself healed. Then he will twist in just the wrong way and a new tear will appear, more painful than the last." I pause for a moment, considering how I should address the child I carry. "I do not believe that sending away a living reminder of her is the best way to heal. I am grateful that he wants me to care for my nephew, but a young child needs his father. And a mother." Tarawen notices the sadness in my voice.

"There is nothing you could have done. You know she needed you here to protect her family. You know how much you meant to her."

"Yes, I know. But that does not ease the pain of her absence." Tarawen frowns slightly. I know she misses her friend as I miss her. She glances up at me and smiles at Arthon. Then she pushes the mare forward and sends me on my way.

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