Chaper 30

700 8 0

Jane pov...

I knew after the moment at work today everyone would find out the truth. They all invited themselves over after we finished. Maura and I got home first as the guys were getting us some food.

Maura lets Frankie, Frost and Korsak in and we get comfortable on the couch and start eating.
They all look at me ready so I start and say "things went as normal at the start, we were training at the base and doing different drills. Leaders above decided we were doing so well they wanted us to go into an active zone and instead of training it was more of the real fighting. We got caught in an ambush on day and the whole unit was captured. As I was the leader they wanted to torture me, they quickly found out about my high pain tolerance and moved onto mostly water boarding instead. I wouldn't give them what they wanted so it continued for three weeks before we were found. I'd started to get over it but any rain or water I can't control puts me back in that room."
Maura asks "how we're we not told"
I say "the army couldn't risk the operation by giving away any details. We couldn't even write to you on the mission in case we sent information about what was happening or where we were"
Korsak asks "have you been to the centre again to see if they can help"
I shake me head and say "I couldn't process it yet myself so I wasn't ready for help but it got out of control so fast"
Frost asks "is that why you withdrew from us"
I nod and say "yeah, I didn't know how to deal with it and thought it would be safer to deal with alone so I didn't drag you with me"
Frankie says "your our family, we will be here when you need us no matter what has happened"
Maura asks "you said mostly, did they use other methods too?"
I look around at the worried expressions that are on everyone's faces before saying "yeah it didn't happen much but one of the guys would hang me by my hands to the ceiling and depending on what he felt like he would punch me, burn cigarettes or hit me with a belt. He only did it to my back and once he was done one of the other men would get a doctor to treat my back so it wouldn't hurt as much"
Frankie says "I can't believe what you had to go through"
I smile and say "I'm slowly getting through it, when it happened I would think of you all it gave me the strength as I had to get home to you"
Frost says "we are all glad you are back and safe, no matter what we will help you through anything"
I smile, nod and say "you being here helps, my therapist is making it easier to talk about and go through some things and I have officially retired from the army so there is no chance of me going back"
They all hug me and Korsak says "why don't we eat, watch a game or something and we can talk about anything or nothing"
So we do, we are the food they brought and watched some recorded Red Sox games before we called it a night as we have to go to work in the morning.

Authors note...
I feel bad for the wait but have been busy lately and spent more time reading than planning what to write next. Not the best chapter but revealed what Jane was hiding. Not sure on how many chapters left for this story, any ideas or suggestions feel free to let me know.

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