Chapter 13

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Maura pov...

Angela organised a Sunday dinner at my house, it will be strange as we haven't had one since Jane left but now that she is back Angela decided that we will start having them again. She invites Jane, Cavanaugh, Frankie, Nina, Frost, Neda, Korsak, Kiki, Tommy, Lydia and TJ so it is family and the important people to us all.

I wonder how tonight will go as Jane hasn't met everyone before and people will want to know about what she went through but I don't know if she can fully handle it. I know that she is hiding some of her issues from most of them so they don't worry as much so tonight might be interesting.

After lunch Jane comes over to help with making dinner so Angela, Jane and I are working together. We make lots of food for dinner like crabmeat and pasta salad, roast chicken, potatoes, peas, gravy, carrots, pumpkin and we even make dessert of chocolate lava cakes for everyone.
I watched Jane through out it and I was amazed at how easy everything was for her even with having one fake leg and her arm is still in a cast for the next three weeks. I am surprised at how easy she is coping with normal life as it can take ages for people to adjust back. I know she is strong as she it is who she is, she has been through so much as first it was Hoyt until she killed him and things went back to normal before she left for the army. I know she sometimes just puts on the tough act as she has always come to me with her nightmares, even now I either stay at her place or she comes here.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts as everyone has arrived which is good seeing dinner is almost ready.
We talk for a bit first and Jane meets a few people for the first time but everyone gets along good.

We sit down at the table and all start to eat dinner while keeping up conversation on jobs, family, Red Sox games, Jane's experience is talked about a little bit but not much and we just talk about other random things.
The guys help to tidy away the dishes from dinner.
I turn the Red Sox game on the tv and we watch the game while eating dessert. After the game finishes everyone goes home but Jane.

She asks "can I sleep here again tonight?"
I nod and say "you don't have to ask Jane, the answer will always be yes"
She smiles and says "thanks Mau"
We tidy up a little before going to my bedroom and getting ready before we fall asleep together.

Authors note...
Sorry for it being so short but I thought I should post a chapter. I'm sorry for taking so long to update but I have been really busy with school and the other activities I do. I will try to write more when I can.

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