Chapter 8

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Jane pov...

I get home and go into my apartment, the others haven't arrived yet. I leave the door open so they can just walk in and I sit down on the couch.
My leg is really itchy where the prosthetic is so I take it off on lie it down on the floor. I know the others will find out about my leg straight away now but they would find out anyway so it doesn't matter.

I hear the others coming and I look at the door and they all walk in. Frankie speaks first and says "what the hell Jane you leave suddenly one day and now come back and we see you getting back your job"
I look at him and say "calm down, I had my reasons and I wasn't there for a job Cavanaugh saw me yesterday and wanted a meeting so I went in".

Frost asks "are you going to explain those reasons?"
I nod and say "sure now sit down so we can talk properly"
They nod and all sit down and Maura is the first to notice my leg and she asks "what happened to your leg?"
I say "it was damaged to badly in a bomb so I had to have it amputated"
Korsak says "bomb"
I nod and say "it was three bombs and that is also how my arm is broken"
Frost asks "where were you that had bombs"
I laugh and say "I will tell you everything starting from 18 months before I left"
I tell them all about how I had been thinking about joining the army for a year and then I did sign up, six months after I was accepted and they want me in DC a few days later, how I didn't want people to find out so kept leaving to myself, training in DC, going to Afghanistan, being in the army for five years and coming up the ranks, the bombs and the award I got.

They are surprised and Frankie says "you thought not telling us would make us worry less"
I nod and say "well the amount of life threatening situations yeah you wouldn't know so you wouldn't be worried about my safety"
Maura asks "how many life threatening situations were there?"
I say "well the shooting so most of the time but it was being hit with bullets, bombs, poisonous gas and collapsing buildings"
Korsak says "that's a lot to go through in five years"
I nod and Frost says "you said bullets, how many times were you hit"
I say "well some would bounce off me, some just missed me or grazed me but I was hit majorly seven times"
We stay talking about what I went through in the war for awhile and they are about to ask what it's like being back which I don't want to tell them about the PTSD yet so I say "enough about me for now what has happened with you all"
Frost says "I got engaged to Neda who works at the coffee shop a year ago"
Frankie says "I am dating one of the IT workers Nina, it's been six months. Tommy married his partner Lydia three years ago and they have a two year old son TJ"
Korsak says "I got a life coach who convinced me to plan for the future so I bought the Dirty Robber and we have been dating two months"
Maura says "I got close with Hope and Cailin, I gave Cailin a kidney and Paddy is dead."
Frankie says "oh and Cavanaugh is dating Ma"
We continue to talk about what has happened in the time and our lives now.
The guys all leave and Maura stays.

Maura says "there is something you didn't tell us what is it?"
I say "I don't want you to worry about me anymore"
She says "come on Jane what is it?"
I say "fine I have PTSD, my main symptom is the nightmares or little sleep every night"
She asks "how long?"
I say "nightmares since the day I got back and it was confirmed as PTSD a few days ago"

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