Chapter 22

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Time jump of six months
Jane has been back a year. Her and Maura still together and everyone knows and accepts them.

Jane pov...
I get home from work and look at the mail.  There is a  letter from the army, I don't want to read it because I can't go back and I throw it away before opening it. 

We have a case at the moment but it's lunchtime so Mau and I head to the park for a walk.

As we are walking I feel like I'm being followed so I look around and notice my old commander is watching me. I say to Mau "wait here"
And walk over to him to see what he wants. He says "I know you wouldn't have opened the letter"
I nod and he says "that's why I'm here, they want you to come back"
I shake my head and say "I can't and I was discharged because of my leg I'm not allowed back"
He says "actually you have been approved to come back, it's meant to be for training new recruits only"
I get handed an envelope from his bag before he walks away.

I walk back over to Mau and she asks "who was that?"
I say "my old commander from when I was in the army"
She asks "what does he want?"
I frown and say "me to go back"
She says "but your leg, I thought you were out for good"
I nod and say "yeah so did I, they want me to help train new recruits"
She nods and says "do you want to take the job?"
I shrug and say "I don't really know, I have my life here now"
She smiles and says "we can talk about it more and you can think it over"
I nod and we have to head back to the precinct to work on the case.

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