Why did she even bother to come to me? Shouldn’t she be having fun with her boyfriend? I should leave before the numbness is gone so I won’t feel the pain as much as I will when I’m sober.

 “What do you want Elena?” I spat out.

 She looked hurt. I winced slightly, regretting that I was talking to her like that but it was the only choice that seemed like it could get me out of here quickly. Seeing her like that made me hurt but I had to do what I got to do. I just wanted to get out and away from here, from her. I was drunk so I didn’t feel as guilty as I would when I’m not.

 “Um. Well you haven’t returned my calls. Or texts either.” She started. “I miss you Liam.”

 My body was screaming at me to just lift her up and spin her around. Screaming that I missed her too but I didn’t. That would only make me hurt more when I realize that sooner or later, she would always ditch me for Drew.

 “I’ve been busy. Look, I got to go.” Before she could reply, I pulled Annie with me as I ran across the front lawn to her car.

 I felt horrible. I missed Elena so much but at the same time, I needed to get away. I never felt so conflicted in my life. One side had me avoiding her and the other just wanted to be with her, even if it was just as friends.

 Annie started the car and I couldn’t take it anymore. All the feelings came crashing down to me as I dug my face in my hands and started to cry. I haven’t even cried since sixth grade when I broke my arm. The pain of a broken hand was nothing compared to the pain of a broken heart.

 The pain is indescribable. All I can say is it hurts. It hurts like shit.

 As soon as I knew it, we were in front of my house. Annie patted my back saying that it was going to be alright even though she and I both knew that it wasn’t going to be okay. I was going to feel upset every time I see Elena from now on. I couldn’t control my feelings or my heart. I wish I could. I wish that I didn’t fall for my best friend. But, I did and I can’t do a damn thing about it.

 “What am I going to do Annie?” I mumbled into my hands. Seriously Liam? Crying in front of a girl?

 “I don’t know Liam. I really don’t know.”

 I stayed for another ten minutes, both of us just sitting in silence. Finally, I looked up and opened the door.

 “Thank you Annie for being here for me. I really need a friend now and I’m glad you’re here to help.”

 “Don’t worry about it. Just get some sleep. You drank a lot. Get ready for a killer headache when you wake up tomorrow.” She chuckled trying to light up the mood at least a little.

 This was the opposite of what she was aiming for because I frowned. I was not looking forward to that.

 “Good night.” Was all I said and I headed towards my house into my room. I didn’t even bother taking a shower. I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep instantly.

Annie’s POV

 I felt so horrible that I couldn’t do anything to help Liam. I’ve grown close to him because we were hanging out for the past weeks. He’s like a brother to me. I wish that he was my brother. Being a single child can be really boring sometimes. No one to play with and no problems to solve.

 It just broke my heart seeing him cry because Liam never cries. I know ‘broke my heart’ are the wrong choice of words but I felt really upset seeing him like this. I don’t know how it feels to have your heart broken but I know it hurts. It hurt enough that even Liam couldn’t take it and that guy is tough.

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