Literacy class

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I hate this class sometimes ..

I got in trouble today Bc I wasn't paying attention " apparently " even though I actually was . I was drawing though while we were doing Shakespeare but I got back at her ( my teacher ) Bc after it we had to do an exit ticket for it and she said mine was some deep thinking so ha in ur face teacher 😝 .

Honestly I hate English class but I'm pretty good at it this year . Don't know how just am hehe. I'm pretty smart to be honest.. not that I want to brag about something like that so yeah ..

I'm finally out of this class now .. Yay !!! Fuck this class I hate it so much . Grr -.-

Going to shop class now ! Yay ! It's not fun fun but it's okay . The teacher is like super nice so yeah .

Well it's time to start class now . In class we watched a video about the 7 biggest bridges in the world . It was so boring 😒 . Then, we went into the lab and played fucking learning.blade or some shit.. Class is over now. Now I'm going to my last class of the day. PE. Ehh.. it's alright .. but I found out by my fwiend Nicole that we're playing volleyball.. 🏐 .. eww .. I hate volleyball .. I hate volleyball, softball, baseball, and etc . Except for basketball :) 🏀 . Luckily we didn't play long and I didn't have to hit it once . Yay !!!! 😊😊😊. Luckily Lucas is in my gym class so yeah. That's one good thing. He's my best fwiend. * smiles * Class is now over . Thank the lord. I thought it would never end. 😒 Now the day is over and it's time to go home.  I'm still in the gym and I have to wait 5️⃣ mins till I can go to the bus area. I'm in the bus area now and I'm hanging out with my friends. * giggles * I'm on the bus now and heading home. * one hour or so later * I'm home now . So tired.. * falls down on my bed * nice soft bed.. home at last..

Well.. love u all ! Bai ! 😞
Danny ❤️💙💚💜

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