"How… How can you say that?" Natsu started to yank on his hair. "How? I almost- I tried… Dammit." Natsu shook his head again, he slammed his head against the wall.

"Stop it!" She practically screamed. She straddled his hips, he fingers wrapped around his wrists as she tried to pry his hands away from his face. She felt his tear drops fall onto her knees, she pulled harder but he wouldn't give in. She felt her own tears beginning to surface but she stifled them, she would cry later. She needed to be there for Natsu now. Lucy knew if she left him alone, tonight would scar them both irreversibly and she refused to let that happen.

She tugged on his wrists again. "Please Natsu." When he didn't even acknowledge her she moved her hands to his and tried to remove his fingers one by one. She would do whatever it took to get him, both of them, through this. He's everything to her, she owes the world to him because he saved her from what her pathetic excuse of a life was.

"Get away from me." Natsu growled.

Lucy froze for a moment. Was he angry with her? She finally snapped.

"Like hell I will!" She yelled despite her throats protests. "I'm done letting you keep me in the dark, I'm done letting you treat me like I don't exist and I'm done standing by and watching us fall apart! So you're going to stop pushing me away Natsu Dragneel. You're going to let me in and we're going to get through this because we're in this together!" Lucy yanked on his wrists again but this time he let her pull his hands away only to grab her wrists and pin them to her sides. Natsu's cheeks were wet with tears but his eyes only showed fury.

"I tried to kill you Lucy! I almost did! HOW are we going to get over this? Huh!? What if I do it again! What if I don't snap out of it in time! What-"

Lucy captured his lips with hers, he didn't respond, he didn't even move. She kept kissing him though, she moved from his lips to his cheek to his forehead to his nose. Natsu stayed still. Lucy kissed his lips again. It was there first kiss ever since he got back and Mavis she missed his warm lips.

"Because I love you stupid." Lucy rested her forehead against his, "I love you."

Natsu stared at her for a moment before new tears started to fall, he let go of her wrists and wrapped his arms around her, crushing her into a hug and holding her tightly against his chest, he tucked her head under his. Lucy let him hold her like that as he cried, she couldn't move her arms so she lightly kissed his neck.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm so sorry." He sobbed and began rocking them.

Lucy squirmed out of his grasp so she could look at his. She held his face in her hands as she wiped the tears away with her thumb. "No more pushing me away?"

"No more pushing you away." He promised.

"Good." Lucy smiled a little, she leaned in and kissed him again, this time he kissed her back, it was slow and tentative but it was a start. When they broke apart Natsu's eyes immediately went to her neck. Even in the dark he could see the bruises forming. He lightly traced his fingers against her neck. Lucy could see that he was on the verge of tears again but he cut her off before she could speak.

"I'm going to sleep in the guest bedroom for awhile."


"I won't keep you out anymore, I promised. But I don't trust myself right now. And you shouldn't trust me either." His fingers fell from her neck and he looked away from her. "I'm so sorry."

Lucy stayed silent for a moment. "Only for a little while. Okay?" She didn't want to be away from him, she was scared. He was hiding something and she could tell.

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