The Prince's Mate - chpt. 2 - Dinner for Ten

Start from the beginning

            Mr. Malack stopped and stared at me through the mirror, “You are so unlike the countless girls I have groomed, you’re different. Half of them couldn’t stop puking out of nervousness and the other half babbled away about the Prince’s charming looks.”

             “How many girls have tried and failed to be the Prince’s mate?”

            Mr. Malack tapped his chin with his comb, “Hmm, I personally have groomed about eight or so. That means eighty girls have been showcased.” I felt my stomach drop, eighty girls? Eighty girls stolen away from their homes, eighty girls dragged away from their loved ones.

            “Wow, that’s a lot,” I commented, “Do you think I will be any different?”

            Mr. Malack titled his head to the side as he observed me through the mirror’s reflection. “I don’t know, you seem different, but then again you’ll most likely be just like everyone else.”

            I sighed in relief, but at the same time a weird feeling was festering in the pit of my stomach. “I hope he doesn’t even look at me,” I said.

            Mr. Malack gasped, “And miss all of my hard work?” he wacked me with the comb, “That can’t happen!”

            I looked down, “But I don’t want him to notice me, I want to slip away and return home. I don’t want to stay here, no matter how beautiful it is. Where are we actually?”

            Mr. Malack smiled, “Sorry, I am unable to tell you the location of the Palace, they work hard to keep its whereabouts hidden. If everyone knew where it was it would be flooded with people demanding things and protesting.”

            It was a weird sensation not truly knowing where I was, for all I knew I was only a few steps from my sister. On the other hand, I could be separated from her by an entire country. Granted, the ride here was long, but that could be just something they do to throw people off.

            “How much longer? When is the grooming?”

            Mr. Malack looked at his watch and gasped, “Oh my! It’s only in a few hours. We’ve been talking to much my dear. I promise to be fast so long as you don’t distract me.”

            I followed Mr. Malack’s request and stayed silent for the next few hours as my hair was curled and pinned to the top of my head. The makeup round was harder to stay silent for. I was never one to wear makeup and found the mascara wand near my open eyes to be unnerving.

            My favourite part was when five women dressed in matching outfits walked in carrying large clothing bags. Inside each was a different dress. For the first time since being here, I was allowed to make a decision for myself.

            I chose a one sleeved, backless dress that was the colour of the ocean. It had a deep cut front that made me feel empowered but not sleazy, it was loose and flowing but still looked elegant and beautiful.

            Mr. Malack sent me a reassuring smile when I walked out of the change room. “You look stunning Serena, there is no way the Prince will be able to keep his eyes off of you!”

            I blushed and looked away. I didn’t want the Prince’s attention, but this may be my only shot of feeling like a princess. I wanted to get the best of the experience until I was sent home tomorrow.

            I looked in the mirror and felt my eyes widen. I barely recognized myself, for the first time in years I was cleaned up and felt pretty. Actually, I felt beautiful. I couldn’t stop the grin that came to my face and launched myself at Mr. Malack and crushed him in a bear hug.

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