Am I Dead?

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Silvia's Pov

I stood, no floated in the blackness that was slowly consuming me.

So, I finally have you all to myself.

My head pounded in recognition at the sound of the voice. Images of my past flew through my head.

You... what do you want! My eyes burning in anger at the demonic voice that slowly is driving me into insanity. The voice that's plagued me for 10 years.

Oh don't be like that, I know you need me Silvia.

Although I hated to admit it, I did need his help.

God... okay yes, I need your fucking help!


And with that the black started to shrink away...

Stephano's Pov

When I opened the door I didn't see Pewds, instead a girl standing at the back of the room with a bro two feet in front of her. W-why is there a girl here, wh-what's going on! Before I could react fast enough the bro swung his arm at the girl leaving blood splatters everywhere. My eyes widens in horror.

"You fucking bro!" I ran at the bro and swung my sword and cleanly slicing the head off. I turned and saw the girl fall to the ground. I ran over and felt for any pulse... I felt a deathly faint pulse that was slowly fading. Her pulse continued to slow... and it stopped. I continued to sit there, refusing to believe what had happened. I could have done something, I could have saved her. then the door quietly opened.

"St-Stephano... w-what ha-happened!?" I turned to see Pewdie standing in the doorway, his dark green eyes wide with horror.

Time skip a few hours later

( because YOLO)

Pewdie's Pov

Me and Stephano continued to sit in silence, we had laid the girl on a bed in a room we found. we just sat there...

"H-hey Pewds... Am... am I weak?" I turned to Stephano and gave a weak smile and shook my head. All I could do was nod, it was if my voice had been stolen along with this poor girls life.

I thought i heard a yelp from the girl but brushed it off as me hearing things, then I heard it again but louder and Stephano turned towards the girl amd I knew I wasn't imagining it. I jumped out of my chair to the bed and found that the girl had a pulse. I turned to Stephano and started barking orders on what she would need for her wounds. I still had my hand on hers from when I checked her pulse and when I realized I quickly pulled away. I felt a faint blush on my cheeks. I continued to wait for Stephano till the girl's eyes started to flutter open. she turned to me who probably looked all wide eyes and stupid. she smiled and said "Sorry, was I a bother."

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