AFTUR Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Meeting New Friends/Weirdoes

By HatsuneShana/Kelley

Sorry it sucks, if you hate this


WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHERE THE HELL DID SHE GO??!?!?!?!?!?! Then her Tasmanian Devil got up, looked at me, and then gave me a piece of paper. He/she stared at me a little longer, then walked out. I looked at the paper the Tasmanian devil gave me. It was black and elegantly written with blood red ink. It said:


I went to go meet some of the other kids that are going to the Academy. And I also need to get some Aqua-seas (magic currency) from my sis. Oh and I noticed that you were a little afraid of Taddy. Don't be scared, she won't bite unless I tell her to.


Well at least that covers the Tasmanian Devil was a girl. My phone made a "bip" sound in my pocket. It was Jason. "Dude! Come to the restaurant car. It friggin HUGE!!! Come I want you to meet somebody." I sighed and started walking to the door when the door burst open and the Tasmanian devil walked in with a plate of prime ribs. Man. That devil knows how to eat. As I passed through the cars, I saw a whole lot of different creatures: Angels, furies, harpies, and a kelpie? I don't know.

When I got to the restaurant I immediately saw Amalthea and her sister hanging out with Alice and a blue longhaired girl. "Yo! Chase! Over here, man!" I turned around; it was Jason, sitting with a guy with silver hair. As soon as I walked over, Jason didn't hesitate to introduce me to his friend. "This is a childhood friend of mine from Japan. Chase, say hi to Yukito. He's a star. Show him that trick you always use to do for me." Yukito took out a doll thing and placed it on the table. He waved his hand over it and sat back. All of a sudden it started moving!! And then it flew out the window. I spoke up, thinking my time was wasted. So you just told me to come here to tell me this guy right here can do mediocre magic tricks??" " no wait for it buddy." Jason said.

I felt something tickle in my sweater pocket. Out popped the dolls head. Then another, and another, and another!! Till like fifty of them came out of my pocket. One of them stopped, turned around and handed my phone, which I had left my room car. It had a ridiculous photo of him. " No comment, but it was cool."

I went over to where Amalthea was sitting, but I had no idea why. I tapped her on the shoulder and she reached behind her and grabbed me the collar. Amalthea turned around and said, "Oh, it's just you. My bad. Wait did you meet my sister and her cabin mate?" I looked past her. Sure enough I saw her sister, looking and me like she wanted to "do it" right then and right there. And the other girl, with blue hair, looked at me, nodded and went mixing something in a bunch of beakers.

"I have the water element. And my name is Waverly." "I'm Chase." I said back. "Time Traveler." Water element, huh? That would explain the blue hair. I felt a something burning on my back. I jumped up and then turned around. The girl behind me had Flame red hair and eyes. "Alice?" I asked. Then Amalthea jumped up and screamed. She went straight up and hugged Alice. Amalthea turned around and said, "Alice is a Heat element." Oh. "Well I'll be going" when I was almost to my car, someone grabbed me from behind and took me upwards with a knife to my throat. Great, I didn't even meet a lot of people and I've got an assassin already


After Chase left, I realized that I didn't have the moneybag. Allora did. So I wrote and letter, left it with Taddy for Chase, and went to go find my sister. I found her and a blue haired person sitting by the drink bar. The non- alcoholic side of course. She introduced me to her friend who happened to be her cabin mate. Lucky she got a girl. She introduced her self as Waverly and said she was a water element. About a drink later, Chase came by. I almost killed him because he snuck up on me but he'll learn to forgive me.

Shortly I saw one of my best-est friends ever. ALICE!!!!!!!!! I ran up to hug her and whispered something in her ear. "Alice, I need to tell you something later, k?" She gave me a quick, curt nod. She then went and sat down next to my seat. I gave Chase a little introduction and he left.

I had noticed Allora left. "Where's Lora?" I asked Waverly. She looked up and said, "That slut relative of yours went over to go sit with the freshman and Junior jocks." " Oh I'm sorry about her. I can re-modify my cabin and you can sleep in there with me." "Oh, it's alright," she said. "I'm gonna want to play some pranks on a slut like her". Hmmmmm, I'm really liking Waverly right now.

Another girl came over and said, "Hi, Waves, wanna introduce me to your new friends, or did you forget about me already. " Waverly waved her hand a bit and a beautiful fish in a bubble floated over to the other girl and dictated a message quietly. Waves didn't look up from her work.

The girl spoke up after hearing the fish's message. "Hi, I'm Bethany and I'm and angel. I have two abilities. One: I can sing anything, like I can control your mind by singing, hehheh. And my other ability, I think I should show it, I think it's cool." Waves handed her the pepper on the table. She stopped working to witness this "phenomenon".

Bethany sprinkled some pepper to make herself sneeze. Her sneeze was a light one, quiet and polite. A puff of smoke exploded up. When the smoke was gone, which was quickly thank goodness, a tall boy with white hair appeared. He lightly bowed and said, "I am Bethany's gender blend, Benathen. We got this ability from our father. We were originally born female so to speak so I am the alternative. Do not worry; Bethany has learned to control her sneezing, as have I, sort of. Farewell, pretty ladies". And with that he made himself sneeze.

My watch beeped and a hologram popped up and said that it was time I go, Taddy was calling me. I said my good byes, and left. When I got back to the cabin there was a note.


I feel bad for you. So to help I decided to get rid of your Echii roommate. I will be waiting for you on the top of the 167 car.


Guess who?

" Is this what you wanted to tell me Tads?" She barked and went back to sleep. I thought about who it would be. OH GOD DAMMIT!!!! It was Yami. The Glowing Dark Assassin. She hates perverts. She thinks all guys are perverts. I flew off to find her.

"YAMI!!!!! DON'T FREAKIN KILL HIM!!!!! LIGHTEN UP THE ASSASINATIONS DURING SCHOOL!!!!" I screamed as soon as she was in sight. She had a bunch of hair in knife form, and her hand in a giant sword. And from the look on her face, she didn't believe that he wasn't echii. Yami opened her wings and flew off. I took off as well.

I thought about a way to convince her and gave her a Nook. God, that girl loves to read. She handed back Chase. I had to carry him by the collar because we were miles behind the train. I had to chase Yami to get Chase so she wouldn't kill him. I wonder who hired her to kill him. Yami wouldn't randomly kill somebody.

Oh well, I flew us back and as soon as I dropped Chase on the back deck I went to go read and play with Taddy.


Thank you!!!!!

Oh and Yami is real, look her up, the anime is to-love-ru.

And sorry about the mistakes, didn't have time to edit.

And I will write in different character's POVs

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