AFTUR Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: The Train Mates

Oh I am changing the thought talking quotes to ^. Just wanted to tell you guys

And I did not edit, finished at eleven thirty, too tired to do it.


I checked my calender. OH F**K!!!! I forgot I had to go to the Academy today!!!! SH*T!!! I ran down the stairs to find my package orb. I saw my brother lazily walk out of his room. While he was rubbing his eyes, he zapped something onto the step without me knowing. I tripped and fell down THREE flights of stairs. When I hit the bottom, he said sleepily, " yawn.... Were... you.... Looking....yawn... for that??"

" Yes you f-ing turd!!! You didn't have to zap it onto the stairs!!!! Now, my backs killin me!!!" I said back. He took one look at me and started laughing. " you look so freakin funny trying to be serious!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" I sighed and ran up the stairs to tackle him. He used his magic to stop me. " HEY NO FAIR!!!!!" I yelled back. I am immature for a thirteen year old. " YOU ALREAY GRADUATED FROM AFTUR!!!!"

Yes, my nincompoop of a brother, Jameson, already graduated, that makes him.......27. That hobo. Any ways I ran up the stairs to fix up my hair. I loved my hair in a not gay way. I mean common, don't emos have to coolest hair??? That's right, I thought so. I looked at the clock; it was 10 o'clock. OH SH!T!!! I need two hours to get there!!!! "YO!!! JAMIE!!!! COULD YOU GIVE ME A RIDE TO THE STATION!!!!" I yelled downstairs to my sister. She's in college, and unfortunatlly has no powers. She's adopted, but she doesn't feel bad about it. " K' JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!" when I walked down with all I need for school, she got the car keys and drove off.

~Allora ~

The whole way to the train station, Amalthea was talking to Tyler. She's a freakin b***h. I could see that Tania was mad too. Well she's the lucky bastard, she gonna drive home alone with him. An hour passed and they are still talking, but Tania got into the convo. Every time I tried to say something, they can't hear it. Finally we were at the train station. I think I can I find someone to get Thea to stop FLIRTIN WITH MY F-ING MAN!!! Unless I find someone hot at the Academy. Which wont be hard for someone of m power. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


During the whole ride to the station, I could sense that Allora was mad. Oh well, hope she doesn't kill me on the train. After, we got our tickets, we went to the designated waiting area. Oh SNAP!!!!! There's a teacher!!!! That means we're all gonna be assigned train mates!!!! Damn it!!!! That means I could get a dude in my cabin for a week. To get to the Academy, you have to go to the top of a secluded mountain and travel through a magic portal thing. Well I heard it looks pretty. I hope I don't get a sl*tty princess snob or anything of the sort. I mean come on!!! I have Allora right? ^Don't worry, I make sure you wont get someone like that.^ thanks Allyssa.


I was glad I got to the station early. I saw my best friend, Jason, sitting in the designated waiting area. When I sat down next to him, I saw that Jason look kind of sad and scared. " Wassup buddy?", I asked, hold up a hand for a high five. He looked up, ignored the hand, which is weird, and answered, " we all have to get assigned to train mates, man!!! AND F**KING NOT OLD SCHOOL!!! WE ARE GOING TO BE ASSIGNED GIRLS, TO SEE HOW WE ALL GET ALONG THE F**CKING BASTARDS!!!!!" during his rant, a few old people looked at us in disgust. "Yo, keep it down ok? And what's wrong with a girl in your train car, huh?

Your 16 for gods sake!!! Wait, don't tell me, your afraid of girls????" I stared at him after I finished talking. He was looking down at the floor and he was quiet, too quiet. "OH SH*T!!!!!" I thought. "Jason could really be afraid of girls, could he?? "Just answer me this one question, k?" I asked. "Sure" he said. "Your're not gay or bi, are you?" "hell no! I mean I like a girl but I just get scared, alright?"


WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! We have to have anti-oldschool train arrangements!!!!! I don't wanna spend a week in the same cabin with a boy!!!!!! ^Allysa!!! What did you do!!!!^ ^nothing *hee-hee* ^, she replied. "dammit, she's lying. As I was arguing mentally with Allysa, Allora cam over and was like, "aww, is the brave little girl afraid of boys???", in a baby voice.

Allora and Amalthea's convo:

Heck no!! I just don't wanna share with a dude.

Of course cause your a big fat chicken!





We were still arguing when a guy came over and said, "Hey, which one of you girls knows who and where Amalthea Dust is?". In unision, just like twins, me and Allora yelled, "NOT NOW!!!" But then, of course, I saw Allora do a double take on the dude. Then I read her thoughts, "hmmmmmm, not my type, his hair is kinda weird too." I looked up at the dude and looked at his hair. It, was.......F-ING AWSOME!!! I wish my mom would let me do that!!! His hair was white on top and his roots were black. It was so cool!!!!!!! I answered his question, "I'm Amalthea Dust. Pleased to meet you, now answer my question. What's your name?" I knew I sounded funny, but I need to seem that I'm civilized, sorta. Anyways.... I could see that he was checkin me out.....did I mention DIGUSTING!!!!! "I'm Chase Winters, pleased to meet you as well." Whoa, I was taken back by his reply, for rockin hair, he sounded like......well mannered I guess. We shook hands and walked towards the chaperones of the trip to find out which train car we get.

(one hour later)

Yay!!! Me and Chase get the last train!!!! I love being in the last cart. You get to see all the sights better, and you get like a mini balcony thingy. ^see, I told you I would do something. I found a dude with awesome hair, and you get the last cart, satisfied?^ oh yeah Allysa. I know, I love you too, I thought back to her. As we left the station, I grabbed my Nook(kindle like thing), let Fluffy out, turned on my iPod and left to the world of Maximum Ride.

(Back to when Chase first saw Amalthea and Allora)


I stuck my hand in the bag and picked out a name. Amalthea Dust. What kind of name is that??? I went over to Jason. I looked at his name. Alice Sakura. That's an odd name too. I glanced at Jason's face. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, I promise", I said reassuringly. After I help Jason find hid train mate and made sure he was ok, I went to go look for mine. I rounded the corner and I saw two girls arguing. One of them is pretty cute. I went up to them and asked if either of them knew Amalthea Dust.

They turned in my direction yelled at me, "NOT NOW!!!".

The taller one just looked at me, then walked away. Rude!!! The other girl spoke up. "I'm Amalthea Dust, this is my sister, Allora. Pleased to meet you, now answer my question. What's your name?" She's nice, I think. "I'm Chase Winters, pleased to meet you as well." I replied. I could see she was a little taken back by my "niceness". We shook hands, and we walked over to the chaperones to find out which train car we get.

Yes!!! We got the last one!!!! I have always like the last train car. Wait a second. I need to go check on Jason he's three cars down. I looked at Amalthea to see if she needed anything. She was reading on a Nook and listening to her iPod. Wait, IS THAT A TASMANIAN DEVIL?!?!?! Whatever, as long as I don't get it angry. or else, it would probably eat my butt. When I got to Jason's car I saw he was talking to his train mate. She was small, and dark-haired. Looked a bit scary, in a "you-are-my-slave-now-go-get-me-some-waffles" kind of way. "Chase!!! Come meet Alice!!!", Jason said.

Well, I guess got over his fear of girls. "Konichiwa, I'm Alice Sakura.", she said. She bowed, then held out her hand. As soon as I grabbed it, she flipped me onto the floor, let go of my hand, and brushed herself off. Jason was laughing on the sidelines. "I'm gonna go get some melon bread. Janeh! (I think that is jap for later/bye, idk)" Alice said. After she left the train car, I turned to a "on-the-verge-of-tears-because-he-was-laughin-his-head-off" Jason and said,"good luck with her, my friend." When I got back to my train car, Amalthea was gone.



PS- I love the song in the vid, loved the movie too.

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