Chapter 25

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Harley's POV

Thankfully the rest of the school day passed uneventfully and we found ourselves at the gym about two hours later due to Steve wanting to talk to us. As it turned out he was intrigued to find out about the events that have been happening in school lately, he's become an awful lot more protective of his champions since I got carried into the gym.

He wanted to talk to us about our training regime since the championships were really close "alright guys since the basic training regime seems to be working well I thought I'd help it along to make it work even better" with that he handed us all a time schedule, "this schedule has the days that I want you all here to train, now since normally on a Sunday the gym is closed to the public, I want you all here along with this is three days that have been organised for each of you, you have been split in half so one half of you have one set of days and the rest of you have the other, now I'd like you all to work out who's on what days with you since I have some paperwork to sort out for the event." With that said he walked to his office and all of us checked our schedule to see what days we had. I had Monday, Wednesday and Friday along with the Sunday, that wasn't two bad to be honest.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by something jumping on my back, "Pixie, get off me." I heard her giggle
"Sure I was just checking what days you have" I rolled my eyes at her.
"Well what days do you have??" She looked down at her timetable
"Monday, Wednesday, Friday and the Sunday" I smiled at her
"Then you've got the same days as me." We went around and asked people what days they had as it turned out Pixie, Spider, Scar, Arrow, Blade, Cobra and I had the same days, I asked them how it just so happened to get like that when I found out Viper had switched with Arrow so she could be with Siren and that Spider had switched with Angel so that he and Blade could train together like normal. After we did a bit more training and went through the schedule we all headed home.

The next day we were back at school and I just wanted to go home, I was so done with everyone and everything. Now Layla and her gang of Lalaloopsies I could handle but when teachers began to join in I was done.

It started off like a normal day, I went to home room and it was perfectly fine same with first lesson, second was where it started to go down hill; our teacher Ms Sara was being even more of a bitch than usual and that combined with two of Layla's followers I was ready to fight someone. The beginning of the lesson was fine it was just their usual snide remarks about me which I could deal with it was nothing unusual what was unusual was when they began to throw bits of paper, pencil lead and other writing equipment at me I stayed quiet and continued with what we were doing hoping that Ms Sara was feeling less like a bitch today and would sort them out but jokes on me for hoping, the best she did was tell them to pay attention to her lesson.

About halfway through the lesson I'd had enough completely, the teacher was doing nothing about them and it was getting worse they were throwing heavier items at me now and I was getting pissed off. I raised my hand to get the teachers attention and when I did she gave me a dirty look but gave me the motion to speak so I politely and calmly said " Ms Sara could I please move as the two girls behind me are distracting and throwing things at me" she glared at me
"No you may not move from where you are as that would disrupt the entire class and as for the girls distracting you, well that is clearly a lie, those girls have been nothing but complete angels this entire time so I'd prefer it if you'd be quite, continue your work and not disrupt my class again or else you'll find yourself in detention" She said way to sweetly. I slumped in my seat, how could I have forgotten how tight Layla and her gang had some teachers wrapped around their little fingers. After about ten more minutes of them throwing god knows what at me I snapped. I slammed by books closed which gave out an almighty bang startling the entire class before shoving them in my bag and storming out of the class slamming the door as I went.

I needed somewhere to cool off and release my anger so I wondered around the school for a bit looking for a secluded area, I tried the gyms so I could punch the hell out of a punching bag or something but they were in use with classes. I wondered around a bit more and found myself in one of the two dance studios, it was completely empty so I decided to make use of it. I plugged my phone into the speakers and chose a song that mum used to play when I was growing up I threw my bag into one of the corners along with my jacket I pressed play and began to dance just like mum use to. While I danced I had time to think and calm down, I began to think about what it was like when mum was still around, I didn't know how long I'd zoned out until my phone began to ring.

I stopped dancing and answered it, it turned out to be Ace, "hey, where are you class ended over 10 minutes ago and I just walked passed Layla's minions who seemed to have a lot to say about you" I sighed
"When don't they have something to say about me, but yeah shit happened and I left class, I'm in the second dance studio"
"What kinda shit happened and I'll be there in a few"
"I'll tell you about it later and yeah see ya" I hung up and played a different song.

Hey guys sorry I've been M.I.A. For a really long time I've been caught up with a lot of stuff that's happened so I haven't had a chance to update in a really long time but that will all change and I will start uploading more frequently from now on.


The nerd is a badass... Wait... What?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ