1. Dead to Alive

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My eyes fluttered open to see my bright chambers. Confused, I sit up and look around. 'But, I had died. I know I did. There was no way that was a dream...'

No, it wasn't a dream, young Pendragon. Good to see you are observant. I will make this short and get straight to the point. You have been given a second chance to make things right. Do Not mess it up. 

A voice said from nowhere in particular. Looking outside my window, there are people setting up for an execution. Mulling over everything in my head, I think I've pin-pointed the day I've woken up on. Throwing on a shirt, I leave my room in search of Morgana. 


Finding her looking at the window from her room, I stand next to her as my father, Uther, starts a short speech about 'the evil of magic' and him 'bringing peace for 20 years.' I don't really pay much attention to him. Looking through the crowd, I see Merlin looking up at my father, with a frightened look on his face. After a moment, my father brings his arm up in signal for the executioner. Closing my eyes, I couldn't look when my farther's arm and the ax of the executioner came down. Upon opening my eyes, I could see Morgana looking away from the outside yet giving me a sideways glance. 

Standing in silence for what felt like forever, Morgana was the one to break it, "I thought you weren't bothered by that sort of thing." 

"Oh, trust me. I'm really bothered by it. Tomas Collins didn't harm anyone nor was there any indication that he was practicing for evil purposes." I paused for a second to let it sink in. "I don't believe all magic can be evil. I can't do anything about the laws now, but I will when I'm king because this just isn't right. I know you feel the same, Morgana. It isn't something you hide very well." 

"I'm glad we're on the same page. You're serious though, right? About changing things when you're king." 

"I swear on my life." Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I continued after a minute, "Well, I better get to training." Pulling Morgana in for a quick hug which was returned, I took off. 


Picking on the random servant boy like I had the first time around to keep somethings similar, I saw Merlin walking over like the last time. 

Stepping on the target, Merlin said, "That's enough. You've had your friend, my friend." 

Chuckling slightly at that, I replied, "Sorry, do I know you?" As I walked over to him. 'But I do know him.'

Holding out his hand, he stated, "I'm Merlin." 

"So, no then."


"Yet you called me, 'friend.'" 'Yet he is my friend.'

"My mistake." 

"You're right it was." 

"Yeah, I'd never be friends with someone who was such an ass." Merlin replied, starting to walk away. 

"Or I one who could be so stupid." Merlin stops walking at that. "Tell me, Merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?" 


"Would you like me to help you?" 

"I wouldn't if I were you."

"Why? What are you going to do to me?" 'Use magic, eventually.'

"You have no idea."

"Be my guest! Come on. Come on. Come oooonnn." Merlin swings at me and I grab his arm, twisting it behind his back.

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