The Photoshoot

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Lights. Everywhere.

One flash came after the next. Multiple fans caused a whirlwind around me. Directions were shot from every angle.

And I loved every second of it.

I was at the centre of a huge photo shoot, in an enclosed studio at headquarters. We were showcasing most of the main pieces. I was thrown in and out of different outfits and garments after every few flashes. It was absolutely exhilarating.

We were only a few weeks away from the campaign launch. It was crunch time at this point. Trying to get as much done as possible in the limited time we had. Today we were aiming to get stills for all the main pieces and ads by the end of the day.

Also in the schedule today is the main advertisement; a minute long feature ad that would broadcast all over the world. It would capture the campaign and company all in one and showcase it in a way that would stay true to the brand. From what I gathered, it was an incredibly expensive endeavour so the pressure was high.

After a few more flashes, the photographer called for a break. Everyone visibly relaxed as they went off to get a snack or a fresh mug of coffee. Alycia approached me with her adorable assistant who held an energy bar and some tea, "For you, Miss Balan. You must keep energized."

I smiled gratefully, "Thank you so much, Mr. Avery," I took the bar from his hand and took a small bite. After a few sips of warm tea, I returned the mug as well as the rest of the bar to him. I was starving but I couldn't risk bloating my stomach too much.

"How're you feeling, Lalita?" Alycia asked as we walked over to my dressing table. My legs were aching but relief came as I took a seat on the plush chair. I sighed with gratitude.

"It's all very exciting," I replied, "I've been in plenty of photo shoots but nothing quite like this."

I looked around at the huge studio and all the people milling about. It was impossible to keep the grin off my face, "It's always been a dream of mine to be a part of something like this. And now, not only am I a part of it, I'm in the centre of it."

"That you are, darling," Alycia agreed with a bright smile on her face, "I'm glad you're feeling good. We just have a few more garments and we can start preparing you for the main ad."

I recalled the plan for the minute-long featurette. The concept was amazing. It would start with a man, an artist. He would be painting an abstract painting of a woman. And once he finished, the painting would come to life. Her form and features would still be abstractions. That is until she touches him and comes to life as a real woman. The artist would be left behind as his creation leaves him, to make her own life away from the imprisonment of his brush.

It was a beautiful idea, centred heavily on the v=main theme and vision of the collection; fashion on a metaphysical level. But I was terrified; I had never worked with a male model before.

To put the cherry on top, the male model in question was Nyle DiMarco, winner of America's Next Top Model Cycle 22. I had made sure to learn some ASL in preparation for our shoot so that I could communicate some basic phrases. He was more than talented and absolutely gorgeous.

And also not here.

I looked around once more, "Where is he? Nyle, I mean?"

A look of slight panic flashed through Alycia's face before she masked it with feigned confidence, "He's running a little late. He's shooting Dancing with the Stars at the moment so he had to take a quick flight here. But his flight was delayed," she explained and glanced at her watch, "We'll have to wait a few more hours and see. Hopefully he'll make it here in time."

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