Tyler tried to keep the smile off his face as he made his way into the room. He couldn't help but think about how adorable Mark really was. Just a few seconds ago he had been worried out of his mind and now...he was calm and collected. He brought his hand up, before ducking his head down into it and saying "Swoon" at the same time Mark did as their greeting.

Mark tried to hold back his giggles as he started to push himself up and off the ground. "Hi. Okay. Welcome to friend yoga." He greeted, again, as he took his spot next to Tyler. "We have preselected...some yoga poses? Yes?" he asked, questioning the crew behind the camera. He received a nod from both Ethan and Kathryn causing himself to nod a bit. "We tweeted out to you guys, about yoga poses that we could do with two people. Namaste." He said, the palms of his hands pressed together. They rested in a prayer sort of formation against his chest as he and Tyler both bowed towards the camera. "And so we're gunna do that for you right now." He added, before he turned to his boyfriend again. "Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." Tyler replied, before he and Mark did another swoon gesture. This time it did cause Mark to giggle and he also let out a laugh. He loved to make Mark laugh. The sound of his giggles was like music to his ears.

"What's the first pose?" Mark asked, the laughter causing his words to come out a bit mumbled. "Oh. Easy. We could do that at any time, and you can see it right heeeere." He said, dragging out the last word as he moved his arms around a bit.

The two of them moved around to stand back to back. They linked arms next, pressing against each other as they mumbled a bit as their way of communicating. This caused them both to laugh again, considering the height difference. "You're so much lower than I am!" Tyler laughed out, ducking his head a bit.

"Well then get lower." Mark replied, causing Tyler to let out another laugh. He felt Tyler start to slide down lower, causing him to let out a small groan. "Oh too low." He mumbled out, trying to push himself up a bit in response. "There we go." He murmured a bit under his breath, their butts finally pressed together to match the pose on the screen. He felt his cheeks heat up a bit with the way his pull-up crinkled a bit up against his boyfriend's butt, causing him to let out a small noise in hopes to cover the sound.

They were finally able to accomplish the first yoga pose before Tyler pretty much fell out of the pose. Mark was able to keep himself upright though, moving into a standing position. They did a few more poses and no one seemed to have any problems with it. Well, except for Mark and Tyler since they were the ones actually trying to do them.

A few of them were a bit harder to get through, and they ended up failing some, but they had finally finished shooting. The two of them were sweaty and tired, but they had finally finished their last pose. It had been the toughest, at least to him. They hadn't even been able to complete it but they tried their best.

The two of them did a Namaste sort of bow again, before Mark spoke up. "How'd we do?" He asked, glancing over at the three behind the camera again. "Judge overall score?" He asked, a light smile on his lips.

"I think we started off pretty good." Tyler spoke up, glancing in Mark's direction in an almost loving way. Every little thing Mark did made him fall even further in love with the Youtuber.

Mark sent a glance at Tyler, letting out a small chuckle. "Anyways, so that was friend yoga. We're very sweaty." He mumbled out, brushing some hair out of his face. "That was all of them?" He asked just to be sure. When he got a nod in response, he felt relief flood through him. "We did pretty good. We did not bad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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