The Nerd (0/6)

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Name: "Im Hatnue"
Age: "Im currently 17"
Gender: "Uhhh, I have boobs"
Species: "Youre not very smart, are you?" (Human)
Sexuality: "Im as straight as a circle"

Name: "Im Hatnue"Age: "Im currently 17"Gender: "Uhhh, I have boobs"Species: "Youre not very smart, are you?" (Human)Sexuality: "Im as straight as a circle"Apperance:

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Personality: "Im really bubbly and Im smart. I can kinda brag about my grades, but thats only when I get my report card. I also get really stressed out, way to easily. Its one of my flaws"
Likes: "I like to read and play videogames. I know its stereotypcle, but its what I like"
Dislikes: "I domt like bullies and music. Bullies hurt you and music just gives me headaches"

Yuri RPWhere stories live. Discover now