"It's so hot!" he hissed, "How are you not bothered by that?" I laughed reaching to wipe his lip in an attempt to soothe it.

"I'll make you some eggs." I chuckled putting my food down. He pouted but sat down and I watched him stare at the window while probably beginning to plot another way to get back at me for the pre-shower I gave him the previous day.

I laughed letting him be while reaching for the pan.


After breakfast, Karabo and I headed to get cleaned up while everyone else seemed to have done that first and then decided to eat. I took a shower in colder water as that usually seemed to wake me when I was tired before heading downstairs. The noise had died down indicating that the others might had left so I was surprised but happy when I walked into the living room to find Kevin on the couch.

"Kevin!" I greeted the kid as I fist-bumped him and then sat down next to him.

"Hey, Eli. Have you seen this?" He pointed his phone toward me. I raised my brows at him after reading the description of the video on the screen.

"You're still obsessing about that crazy guy?"

"You can't call him crazy. We know he's not crazy. Plus, more humans are starting to believe him. He's promising a shift, may have convinced a wolf to shift on camera." Kevin bit his lip as he looked back at the phone and began tapping to navigate through it.

"No Wolf would do that. We all know we'll just be exploited after they figure out what weakens us. Are you really worried about this guy? Kevin, you have no reason to be."


"Seriously, Kevin, you've got to stop scaring yours –"

"Eli, look at this." he insisted.

I held back a sigh as the screen was turned back to me and focused on what he wanted me to see. It was another video uploaded on a different website, seemingly the creator's own. I watched him talk about how close he was to figuring out how to control werewolves and narrowed my eyes as I heard a growl and smash. It was faint. Very much so as it was barely audible in the video. I rewound the video and the sound was still there.

"That's a Wolf..." I mumbled.

"I know. I think... He may have captured it. It might just be an ordinary wolf," he said.

I shook my head. "That's no ordinary wolf, he's big and that growl is definitely a werewolf's. How is he keeping them at bay? Unless..." The human already had wolfsbane. I didn't say it out loud because Kevin already seemed quite shaken by the man.

If the guy already knew what could weaken werewolves, why would he keep it a secret? Perhaps he wanted the power to control werewolves and he wanted to keep it to himself...

"You think he has the rogues that went missing around your territory?"

No... He couldn't possibly... He was just a human... How could he kidnap werewolves? Even if he did have wolfsbane, it was hard for a human to catch us off-guard.

"No way. If he has a werewolf, they went to him willingly."

"What if they shift on camera?"

"We'll create a video that shows that it was faked." I said simply giving him a reassuring smile, "It's alright, Kevin. You don't need to freak out about it. Stop scaring yourself with this. Watch some Markiplier or whatever you kids are into right now," I exited the website for him as I got up. He frowned up at me seemingly offended by the word 'kids', it made sense because I was only a few years older than him but furrowed his brows instead of mentioning that.

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