1: Not All Who Look See

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The sun was setting before my eyes.

I paid no mind to the bright ball of flames that ruled the lives of everyone within it's reach. Instead I looked below it, to the colors it's fading light painted out onto the sea.

Eager peach, fading yellows and shy shades of pink,scarlet and seductive magentas touched the water with a promise kiss. The sea, seeming to recognize its artistic vision reached as if standing on its toes and kissing back with envious turquoise, dreamy blues and promising midnights.

My eyes scanned further along until I caught sight of the glow of the city, sounds and noises miles away and yet glaringly bothersome. I turned my eyes back to the painting before me. Nature at its best.

Because below this pretty sunset, was nature at its worse.

Shades of blue danced upon the surface of the sea as it moved to a beat that only the creature humming at the bottom could name. I scanned for a sign of life before me, but only the wondering fishes and small creatures swam before my sight. I knew that to get a better sight where I would have to go to find one. I'd have to go home, but it had been far to long for me to continue to call it that.

I did not miss home. What I missed was the past of slumbering to the seas humming. I missed the way time did not pass because time did not exist below. I missed the knowledge of knowing that I did not know what happened above water. I missed life at its most simplest form.

The salted wind blew past my face, bringing me back from memories I held close. With a sigh I turned away from the painting and made my way back to my car. I let my fingers drag along the white hood, prestige arising at the cleanliness of it. The jeep was a sturdy car and managed to keep up with all of my traveling, that's all that mattered, but I'd grown fond of it now. It was my main source of companion. I pulled myself in as much as I could, picking a form suitable to fit within the car. I knew it would irritate my skin but it had to be done.

I drove out to the city with all but my window rolled up, I would close it as soon as the fumes from the city began to grow sickening. For now the car smelled of the sea.

When I did reach the city I drove around almost aimlessly. I did not turn the music on or thought of where to go and what to see. I simply felt.

And I felt nothing. My eyes saw nothing. There was nothing here for me.

I restrained myself from giving into the bubbling emotions under my tightly controlled rein. If I gave into them I didn't know what would happen. Actually I did and it wasn't fair to everyone around me.

And so I left the city.

After another week of pointless roaming I had nothing new on her. Other then the fact that she was not here. It was momentarily but I felt a flicker of annoyance, but that too quickly turned to nothing.

I was down a seemingly deserted road, night once more ruling the sky. I caught sight of a gas station ahead of me, a red sign flickered on and off repeatedly before twitching and then turning on and off once more. It continued the same process endlessly. With a quick glance downward, my decision had been made. I made a sudden turn and was making my way into the empty business.

Stepping out of the car I glanced around, my dark shades doing nothing to hinder my sight. This empty place was filled with constant vibrations, from the flickering sign at front to the energy plugs which sang with power and rattled the whole place. I filled the car with gas and made my way to the small building. I itched to stretch myself out but withheld from doing so.

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