"I hope so too." Luke says from beside me, and I hear someone in front of us clear their throat.

"I need to ask you guys something, and be honest." Mason says from the front, the guys all chorus back 'okay's. "I'm not trying to justify anything, but I doubt my dad would have asked her about that if he didn't see something. So, do any of you like my sister?"

I don't hear anything, but I can tell Luke is shifting around in his seat. An uncomfortable silence settles over the group for a few minutes before Mason says. "Okay. That's all I needed to know. Thank you." My drowsy mind can't quite process what just happened, but I have a feeling I'll find out before too long.

"Andy, wake up." Someone says gently nudging my shoulder. I open my eyes to see Luke looking down on me. "We're here." He whispers as he climbs out of the van, and I follow after him. My feet hit the ground, but my legs nearly buckle underneath me from staying in the car for so long. Luke just chuckles as saves me from falling and offers me a hand to help me keep my balance.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking up at the grand hotel in front of us. "Why did Mason even bring us here?"

Luke just shrugs as we walk inside to meet up with everyone else. "I think Mason said we're in San Francisco, and that you both knew someone who worked at this place."

"Really? I don't think I know anyone in San--" I start to say, but quickly notice the guys all giving us a strange look. I follow their gaze to see that I'm still holding Luke's hand. "Oh, I forgot you were holding my hand to keep me from falling." I tell him awkwardly as we both let go. I walk up to the rest of the guys, ignoring their strange looks between Luke and I. "Where's Mason?"

"Right here." Mason calls from behind me, and I turn to see him and an all too familiar face.

"Phil?" I practically yell as I run towards my older brother, who quickly wraps me in a tight hug.

"Hey, Ducky." Phil chuckles as he squeezes me and picks me up off the ground. "How come it takes dad forcing you to Cali and you two getting in a fight for me to see you?" He jokingly scolds me as he sets me down

"Because, I love New York much more than California. Why have you never come visit Mom and I?"

"I'll give you that one, but it's mostly because I live for my work here." He tells me with a shrug.

"Which is what exactly?"

"Event coordinator, publicist, and co-manager." Phil recites with a look of pride. "Now,-" He pauses, throwing an arm around my shoulder as he faces the band. "-which one of you seems to think you're allowed to date my baby sister?"

I feel my cheeks burn as I try to protest, but Phil won't let me say anything, even Mason won't help me out. The guys all look at each other for a moment, clearly confused. "Phil, calm down. I'm not dating any of them."

"You don't have to stand up for your boyfriend, Andy. I'm sure he knew this was bound to happen at some point." Phil tries to be serious as he talks, but fails miserably when he starts laughing. "I'm sorry, I just had to see her face when I did that." Phil jokes and he introduces himself to each of the guys. "I was able to get you the penthouse suite, which is the whole top floor and has three bedrooms, despite the short notice, and the hotel would like to extend to you the use of all our facilities, as an Thank you for staying with us." He says acting professional for a moment.

"You've done more than enough. Thank you." Luke says stepping forward as he shakes Phil's hand.

Phil just laughs, turning to me for a moment to whisper, "I like this one." I just roll my eyes at him as he continues talking to Luke and the others. "It's no big deal. Honestly, management was so excited to have you staying here that they will probably bend over backwards to make you happy."

Fight for Me #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now