19. A Strange Gift

Start from the beginning

"Ouch, harsh. You couldn't be more considerate of a girl's feelings?"

"I've tried so hard to be clear to Parkinson. She won't even take a hint. Anyway, I'm doing myself and you a favour. It's probably chocolates with some love potion added in it."

I laughed and brought my meal prepared by the house elves to the table. In the corner, I saw a small gift, with my owl nearby it.

It was messily wrapped. I walked over, inspecting it. There was no note from who it was from or anything. I sat back down at the table, where Draco sat across from me.

"There's no way that's for you. Who's it from?" He asked in a sour tone.

"Why do you seem so surprised? I'm the one that was in an actual relationship... and that lasted for a year. You see, unlike some people, I can attract people with charm and personality. Watch and learn, Malfoy. This is being considerate of other people's feelings," I said with confidence in my voice.

To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. There was no note or parchment that came with the gift to indicate who it was from.

I slowly opened up the parchment wrapped around the item. It was a golden locket. Engraved on the locket was an S embedded with green jewels.

I wondered who had given the gift to me. Unless it wasn't for me...

But it had to be for me because my owl had delivered it.

I wondered if there was magic in it. Maybe it was some sort of joke.

I stared at Malfoy who watched me and expected me to retort something at him. I tried to figure out his facial expression. Perhaps this was his idea of a joke or something. "Did you give this to me?" I asked in a more serious tone.

He scoffed, "Why would I waste time on you?"

"If this is your idea of a joke or something, Malfoy, just do the hex. I'm waiting. What's the joke? Is there some sort of serpent inside or something to scare me? Because if there is, then you're very funny."

"Are you mental? Why would I give you a gift? Do you really think that I would spend time planning a gift for you? I don't have time for this kind of stuff anymore, Trails. I thought you'd get that by now." 

If it was a joke, he would've cracked by now. I glanced back near my owl and checked the wrapped parchment again. There was no note or anything. "Who would've given me this?" I tried to trace back some sort of connection or conversation I had with anyone about a locket.

Malfoy asked to see the locket, so I gave it to him. He examined it and then handed it back.

"Is there anything inside of it?" He asked. Even Malfoy was intrigued with my new mystery.

I tried to open it with my fingers first, but it wouldn't budge. I pointed my wand at the locket, "Alohomora," I cast, but nothing happened. I repeated the spell again, but nothing happened. "Why won't it open?"

"Not sure. Are you sure it's even safe? Basic spells are supposed to work on these kinds of items."

"Well, nothing has blown up yet, so I think we both could assume that it's safe. For now, at least. I wonder what's inside..."

He asked to see the locket again, so I gave the locket to Draco. He took the locket and inspected it, "Hold on, I've seen this locket before," he looked at it closer. "I just don't remember where."

Then, he slid off of the stool and jogged up the stairs whilst holding the locket. He had no explanation or anything. I joined him and asked where we were going.

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