21. Avoidance

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The Malfoys' garden was my favourite place to visit on their property. I went to it, and sadly everything seemed more dead-like than it ever did. No one took care of the garden as it's always busy at the Manor. I liked to come down here and be alone with my thoughts. 

I sat down on the bench and tucked my wand back into my pocket. It felt like for the past few days, all I've done is think.

My days consisted of me locking myself in my room, thinking about the task Voldemort gave us and trying to figure out how to repair the Vanishing Cabinet at Hogwarts.

A year ago, my biggest worries were my O.W.L's.

My ultimate fear now, is someone knowing about the things that I've done. Or maybe, something interfering and stopping the task that I was assigned, and even facing death.

It's been around two or three days, and I've avoided all contact with people in general. I avoided the Malfoys and my parents.

I came outside, to the garden, to try and clear my mind. I shut my eyes closed and tried to block out all of the terrible things that were going to happen.

Everything was beginning to drift from my mind, as I listened to the wind howl. It was peaceful. Something I hadn't been able to think about for a while now.



Christmas passed, and I only spoke to Juliette once: the day after she scarred her hand. I couldn't sleep that night. All I could think about was the Dark Mark imprinted on my forearm. As much as I hated having the mark on my arm, there was one person who despised it even more. Juliette. I wondered why she was even put in Slytherin. If anything, I would've thought she was more of a Hufflepuff.

I don't take pride in the task, nor do I look forward to killing Albus Dumbledore. But, I know that I have to do it. Otherwise, myself and my family will have to face the consequences. 

I was reading something about curses, but someone had knocked on my door three times. "What?"

My mother walked in, "Draco, I need to talk to you," she said in a low voice. She didn't sound like she was bringing good news. She came in, and close the door with a wave of her hand.

She began with a stern tone, "The meeting was extended," and took a short pause. "Due to recent events, there have been a few decisions. Your task with Juliette, you must kill Albus Dumbledore."

"I'm aware of that. That's been the plan all along, hasn't it?" I looked back down at the book I was reading.

"Draco, you must be the one to kill Albus Dumbledore, not Juliette. This will prove that you're more committed... we won't have to repay the Dark Lord anymore and we'll be able to get your father out of Azkaban earlier than what we've been anticipated," she hissed with great seriousness in her voice. 

I looked at her in confusion.

"Draco, you need to prove to him that you're no coward, it's a test. You must prove your loyalty by killing Albus Dumbledore. If you succeed, our family is free from the debt that we owe. Do you understand Draco?"

There's something that my mother isn't telling me. She sounded broken, but determined. She needed me to be the one to kill Dumbledore. "Answer this truthfully, mother. What are you not telling me?"

Her eyes began to water. She gave me a soft look and took my hand. Then, she said, "Draco... between you and Juliette, one of you must kill Dumbledore... the other dies," her eyes began to water more. "W-with your father locked up in Azkaban, I won't be able to cope with you gone. Please, Draco, you must do this. After the Dark Lord vanished on the night of the Potters death, your father and I considered packing our things and leaving not a single trace of Malfoy here... not a day goes by where I don't regret taking that chance. And for that, I am sorry. I never wanted you to grow up like this."

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