Chapter 5: Makeup Mischief

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Your abilities had finally began to show making you quite the handful as Tony had said you would be. After being around everyone for so long you began to show signs of their abilities like with Tony and Bruce's brains you started to develop faster and managed to learn to walk and speak remarkably fast. This in deed came as a shock to everyone when they found you walking around looking for Thor calling for him to come play with you but it did not prove to be much of a challenge. What they did find a challenge though was when you gained Vision's and Wanda's abilities one day whilst they were taking care of you.

Wanda's POV:

I was looking after Y/n today it was amazing to see her running around and playing when only a few days ago she could not walk nor talk. I was sat on the floor playing Barbie's with her making them go shopping and have a little catwalk giving them high pitched voices to talk with "so Barbie y/n where should we go now" she laughed at the voice and did the same "we should go get make over's" as y/n said that she ran off and came back with some of my make-up I was a little surprised she had gotten it seeing as it was on my dresser and she couldn't reach it but I decided not to question it as we were having so much fun.

A little while later the dolls were done y/n held them up to show me and smiled, I had to try not to laugh at the mess she had gotten them into; their hair was matted and full of a mixture of different makeup, their faces had a massive amount of lipstick over them, there was eyeshadow all over the tops of their heads starting from their eye lids and they wore brightly colored miss matched clothing. I took one of them "she looks beautiful y/n" she gave a big smile "not as pretty as you". I picked her up "why thank you, so what should we do now?" she put her finger to her lip trying to think, I could see the mischief in her eyes and the smirk form on her small lips. " What are you thinking?" she looked around to see if anyone was listening and leaned in to whisper in my ear " we should give Vision a make over" she pulled away and put her finger to her lip to tell me to be quiet. I giggled and copied her then put her down, all of a sudden I saw the same red energy as mine form around her small hands as she began to lift the makeup and ran off with it to find Vision. I was stunned, I couldn't believe what I had just seen she copied my mutation my telekinesis and now she was going to find Vision. Gosh Knows what she will get up to with that ability she won't be able to control it properly she could get hurt, I ran off in the same direction I saw her go in to find her.

I heard Vision talking in the Kitchen and ran in to get y/n.

y/n's POV:

I lifted the make up with the stuff auntie Wanda uses and ran off to find Vision to make him pretty like a princess. I went passed the kitchen and saw him in there, I had to be sneaky so I tip-toed my way in trying not to make any sounds but I stepped on a noisy bit of floor and Vision heard me. He turned around and saw me " y/n what are you doing and how are you doing that with the make up" I smiled at him trying to look as sweet as possible, I do this with Daddy sometimes and I get stuff so it should work now, " I want to make you like a princess, pweeeease can I?" he looked down at me " I do not think that is wise y/n why don't you give me the makeup and we can go talk to Wanda about your new ability" he started to come closer to me to get the stuff from me but I didn't want to give it back yet. I ran away from him and laughed as he began to chase after me, I went into the corridor and into my room but Vision had beaten me there because he can go through walls. "y/n give me the makeup and come with me" I poked my tongue out at him and ran through the wall to get away.

Vision's POV:

I watched as she ran through the wall I was quite shocked to see her do that, this must be the ability absorption happening. Wanda ran into the room " where's y/n?" "she just ran that way" I point to the wall she went through, Wanda looks confused then realized what happened " we have to catch her fast before she starts flying around" I followed through the wall y/n went and Wanda looks in the other rooms.

I looked all over the room and couldn't find her anywhere, Wanda walked in "found her yet?" I shook my head no. Wanda looked up slightly and her eyes widened, I went to look at what she had seen but she quickly stopped me. She mouthed to me that y/n was on the ceiling, she then started to walk around the room pretending to look for y/n " I wonder where she could be, we just can't seem to find her its like she just disappeared" I realized what she was doing and left the room going next door to get her once she came down when she though she was alone. I saw Wanda come out of the bedroom and I slowly came back into the bedroom to find y/n on the ground looking into the corridor to see if Wanda had gone. I snuck up on her and grabbed her, she screamed and dropped the makeup she was still carrying. "Come on now y/n we need to have a talk with Wanda don't we" she crossed her arms showing she was a little annoyed she had been caught but did not struggle.

Wanda's POV:

I saw vision holding y/n in his arms making me smile, we sat down on the couch and began to speak to her about her abilities and that we were worried that she may have hurt herself but she was not in trouble for anything. She apologized to both me and Vision, she started to yawn and I could tell she was drained after using her new abilities for the first time for so long. I told Vision to go get a duvet from my bed, whilst y/n chose a movie and I made some popcorn. The rest of the day we watched movies, y/n fell asleep so I put her to bed and spent time with vision until we both fell asleep on the couch.


Y/n you are a handful aren't you poor Wanda and Vision but it all ended fine so your not that bad I suppose. Any who make sure to let us know what you think about this chapter and if you have a request let us know.





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