Not Awkward At All.....

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"I agree." He says as you both walk out with the cerberus. "May I just say, the inside of the orphanage is a lot more impressive than I was expecting."

"Really? I'm glad. We did spring cleaning a few days ago because it was starting to look dreary." You smile sheepishly.

"It was very clean... May I ask why you're skipping school today?" He inquires.

"I stayed up half the day, and I was feeling weak after becoming..." You trail off, not sure if you should tell him. He tilts his head, peering at you curiously. Ah... Oh well. "After becoming Dracule's partner.." You admit, rubbing your cheek.

"Really? So you have some magic now," He raises an interested eyebrow.

"I don't know... I don't feel any different." You look down with a frown.

"May I?" He holds up his hand. You blink and raise yours in response. His fingertips press to yours. "Focus on the energy in the center." He murmurs. You do, feeling the energy start to build up. A small light appears and it sparks, making you jump and pull your hand back swiftly.

"Whoa..." You mutter as he chuckles lightly.

"That was you ___, its all in the focus." He rumbles.

"It was?" You look at your hand and smile. "That was really cool.."

"It was." He agrees thoughtfully.

"Do you know any magic spells?" You ask him curiously.

"Mostly fire based ones." He shrugs slightly.

"Wow..." You marvel. "Oh! Crap! The pies!" You suddenly gasp and run for the house. Lucci shakes his head before following after you. You reach the kitchen and swiftly remove the pies before placing them on the counter.

"They look perfect." Lucci comments as you both watch rainbow ribbons flicker over the pies.

"They're so beautiful, and look like magic..." You smile happily. "Thanks for helping me Lucci, my pies have never looked so amazing." You breathe cheerfully.

"I only did as you requested," He shrugs.

"It was odd that you let me tell you what to do." You admit, rubbing your neck. He smirks and peers at you briefly.

"Don't get used to it." He hums. You giggle lightly at that. His eyes glide to you softening slightly before touching his shoulder to yours. "But get used to me treating you different from now on."

"I hope that's a good thing." You smile a bit, meeting his gaze. He gives a nod and you hear a knock on the front door. You both pause and share a look.

"Were you expecting another guest?" He inquires.

"I wasn't even expecting you... We brought in Cerbi right?" You reply as you move for the door.

"Yes, he followed me in." Lucci assures. You reach the door and hesitantly open it up. The giant demon on the other side tilts its head at you. Before you can say anything, you're plucked out of the house. The demon looks you over.

"You'll do." He rumbles turning to leave. The sense of danger immediately sets in then.

"No! Release me!" You gasp, trying to get free.

"Stop wiggling around or I'll crush you." The demon snarls.

"You will not." Lucci responds coolly, arm coming around you as Hitori bites the demon harshly. Crying out, the demon releases you and Lucci swiftly carries you back inside. The demon roars angrily a busts down the door. You jump and hold onto Lucci in surprise.

"Why... To the basement." You tell Lucci as the demon claws down the hall after you both. Lucci cuts down the stairs into the basement swiftly. You move away from him, going under the stairs and touching the stones, making them move out of the way. You lead Lucci into the room before touching the stones for them to go back in place.

"What is this place?" He inquires as you turn on the lights.

"Anti-demon bunker that Shanks crafted just for me." You admit with a sigh. "But I don't understand... Why would one want to take me?"

"Well... Seems to me that the vampire that took the time to make this room would know." Lucci comments. You pause and rub your cheek.

"He was against Law moving in." You mutter. You look to the Chimera troubled. "I don't think he'll tell me why." Lucci frowns as you sit down.

"He wishes for you to be safe and protected." He murmurs sitting beside you.

"I would've been kidnapped just now if it hadn't been for you. What's safe about that?" You murmur, bringing your knees to your chest and hugging them. "What if he kicks out Law for this because he's afraid for me? I just got Law..." You whisper. Lucci blinks, ears folding back. "I don't want him to be alone..."

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure what to say that'll help." He murmurs. You look to the side and lean into his side. Lucci's ears perk and he hesitates before leaning back into you.

The silence lasted until you heard people calling for you. Lucci and you glance at eachother before going out together. "Kid? Law?" You call as you lead Lucci upstairs. Luffy and Sabo collide into you at that.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" Sabo worries, cupping your face and looking you over.

"I'm okay..." You pull away and look to Law. He blinks in surprise when you hug him suddenly.

"___...?" Kid frowns. "Why does it smell like this is the work of a demon?" He says, gesturing to the destroyed hall. You hug Law tighter.

"There was no demon here." You lie firmly. Law pauses and Kid frowns at that.

"I certainly haven't seen a demon." Lucci lies calmly. You blink and look at him, he meets your gaze briefly.

"Why are you here?" Law looks at the Chimera confused.

"He missed me." You pull back.

"Wha..." Lucci huffs, ears folding back. "I.... I'm not sure how to respond." He looks down.

"So you're suddenly friends, and a demon destroyed the manor?" Law folds his arms.

"We just told you it wasn't a demon... It was us! We were playing...." You look to Lucci.

"We were obviously playing something destructive... Like football." Lucci nods. The others sweatdrop at that.


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