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"We've been through worst baby girl," Levi said, hugging me tightly. I stared at my four brothers before me. They each flashed a smile at me, eyes swirling with emotion. 

I quickly turned from them, glaring at the ground. Begging to stay strong until I was out of sight. 

"Come on, don't be like that" 

"I don't want you guys to go," I whispered out with my back still turned.

Suddenly I was in the air, with my breath knocked out of me as I was sat down on someone's lap. I glanced up from the person's chest and instantly buried my face into his chest, Lucifer. 

Betraying me, my tears leaked out of the corner of my eyes. I clutched on his shirt as my shoulders shook. 

"Can I come with you guys?" I asked once my tears were done. The boys instantly stiffened.

"No" Satan snarled at me.

"But -" 

"No" Belial cut in. I scowled at them all.

"It's dangerous," Levi spoke up "and we're not bringing our baby doll to war"

I pouted "When do you leave?" 

"As soon as our father gets back"

"And after we have sent you to Earth" spoke a voice behind us.

"Daddy" I shrieked happily as I flung myself into his arms.

"Wait, what do you mean after you've sent me to Earth?" I pulled back from his embrace, looking up at him.

"You're going up to Earth" he stated with authority. 

"Why can't you guys stay with me on Earth then?" They looked at me as if I asked the dumbest question ever. Which it was. The answer was obvious.

My father is the devil, my brother the four crown princes. Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial, known as the four crown princes of Hell. They need to be present in war and lead our people to victory.

I need to be out of everyone's way. 

I need to grow up.

I closed my eyes. Took a deep breath. 

"Alright," I said as I flashed my eyes open, stood up straight and squared my shoulders. 

My boys stood before me with proud faces. I smiled brightly at them. But in the inside, my heart was shattering. 

My dad held his hand out to me, and almost instantly I grabbed it.

"Come on Kali, we don't have much time to lose"

He leads me to a door that leads to the human world. My brothers following not so far away.

"Be brave Kali" he whispered in my ear as he gave me an ear ring. Just one. I stared at the black pearl in the palm of my hand. The royal symbol engraved on the surface of the pearl. 

"Be safe baby girl" Levi said as he pulled me into a hug, releasing me to give me another ear ring. A black pearl in the shape of a love heart with silver claws....

"I'll be back" muttered Lucifer into my ear as he also gave me an ear ring. Another black pearl in the shape of a love heart, but this time it had a pair of silver wings. 

Satan didn't say anything. He just stared intently into my eyes. He was never one to speak. He gave me another black heart, but this one had silver horns. 

Belial came up to me last. "I love you my sister," he said as he handed me a black heart with a silver flame. 

By now I was totally confused. Why only give me ONE ear ring? 

"The ear rings go on you left ear" 

"All of them?"

They nodded their reply. 

"Your items are already waiting for you on Earth, we'll come get you when we're able to"

I quickly gave them all a hug before stepping through the door. Giving them one last glance, I walked through. 

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