"This is Serena. But she is a little shy." Ash says, moving himself so that I was visible to the professor while giving me a reassuring smile to lift my confidence a bit.

"I see. Well Serena it's nice to meet you." His words kind of made me cringe at that fact that I have been at this school for about 3-4 years and Ash has been here for 2 weeks and Sycamore acts like I'm the new student.

"So what can I do for you?" Sycamore asks, placing his hands together onto the desk. While Ash give me a quick stare before motioning his head to tell me that I need to do this one.

My body fills with nerves as I reposition myself next to Ash, no longer holding his hand. Instead I am now holding his entire arm.

"I-I... w-would like t-to get a P-Pokémon." I force myself to say with nerves filling my voice as I did so.

"Ah yes, a starter." Sycamore begins to say. "Let me just go and get the pokeballs." Sycamore leaves the room giving me a bit of relief as I let out a sign while loosening my tight grip on Ash's arm.

"I thought you said you were mostly excited." Ash said teasingly while placing a gentile kiss on my forehead, making my face heat up at his actions.

See this is what I love about him. He always knows how to make me happy and even though I probably broke his arm from how tight I was holing it he still allowed me to hold onto him for my sake.

"Alright I'm back." Sycamore's voice breaks me out of my thoughts as he waled back into the room with three pokeballs in hand.

"Alright Serena. For your first Pokémon you will have the choice between these three Pokémon." He begins to explain while I listen closely to make sure that I don't miss any important information.

"Firstly we have Frokie, a water type." He say while throwing out one of the pokeballs, revealing a small, blue frog with a layer of frubbles surrounding its neck.

"Secondly we have Fennekin, a fire type."He adds while throwing out another pokeball, revealing a small, yellow fox with a cute looking tale which had a bit of red at the end of it.

"And lastly we have Chespin, a grass type." He concludes by throwing out the final pokeball, revealing a small, green, spikey Pokémon which started jumping up and down, showing how much energy it has.

I looked at all three of the starters all lined up together, facing me with a smile on all of their faces.

From what I already know, Frokie would be a good choice because he would be able to protect me just like Ash's Greninja and I could depend on him.

Fennekin would also be a good choice because, A: It's a girl and I can have proper girl talk with her and B: Because she looks really cute and I can see us getting along well together.

And Chespin, well... he would be a good choice because he is energetic and a bit clumsy which makes me laugh because it kind of reminds me of Ash.

"Which one are you going to pick?" I hear Ash's ask me which make me leave my thoughts as I stare again at each of the three starter before making my choice.

"I think... I am going to pick... Fennekin." I say while leaving Ash's side and bent down onto my knees in front of Fennekin to show that I pick her.

"Ah good choice, you and Fennekin would make a great team." Sycamore says while handing me Fennekin's pokeball.

I gently tap the smiling Fennekin on the head with the pokeball, causing a red light to appear as Fennekin's body is absorbed by that light then pulled into the ball as it began to wiggle with the middle of the pokeball flashing red before it stoped letting me know that I had just received my first Pokémon. And what is even better is that she didn't reject me like I feared.

I stared at the red and white sphere in my hands, still in amazement that I now was a trainer... just like Ash. A tint of pink appeared on my cheeks at the thought of being just like Ash, the person who I admire so much.

"Congratulation Serena!" "Pikachu!" Ash and Pikachu say with happiness apparent in their voice.

I stood up and quickly rush over to Ash, embracing him in a tight hug of appreciation which he quickly returned. I broke the hug then mustered up all my courage and pecked his lips, As I did I could feel my cheeks burning up as the blood rushed to my face.

Ash stared at me with a surprised look on his face while Pikachu just had that stupid smirk on his face. We stare into each others eye still in a half hug position not looking like we were ever going to break eye contact.

I loved staring into his hazel, brown eyes as he stares in mine. I can feel an unbreakable bond between us as time seemed to stand still and all that matters is me and him and that unbreakably bond between us.

*Diiiiiiing *Diiiiiiiing

The sound of the bell signalling the start of class caused our trance to be broken much to my disappointment.

"Come on, let go to class." Ash says, giving me a heart soothing smile as he garbed my hand gently and thanked Professor Sycamore before we began to head to our first class together which just so happened to be Pokémon Ed. This gives me a great opportunity to get some bonding time with my knew friend Fennekin.


Calem's POV

'Ah... so you are here today. And Serena got herself her first Pokémon.' I think as I watch both Ash and Serena walk down the hallway towards their class with their hands interlocked.

"Oh... this plan is going to work better than I thought." I say to myself as I conclude in my head that those two were probably together which makes things all the more better for me.

"Just you wait Ash. No one beats me and gets away with it." I say out loud not caring if anyone heard me or not.


Dawn's POV

'Oh no I'm going to be late!' I begin to think as I run down the school hallway, not caring who I bump into. But something caught my eye causing me to stop in my tracks as I noticed Calem staring down the hallway with and evil looking smirk on his face.

"Just you wait Ash. No one beats me and gets away with it." I hear him say. His words send shivers down my spin as my mind comes to realise that he was planning to do something to Ash!

'I have got to warn him!' Was the first thing that came into my mind before I began to run as fast as I could towards my class, which was the same class as Gary, Misty, Paul, Ash and Serena.


There we go. Sorry guys if this Chapter is smaller than the others but I just thought that this needed to have its own chapter so that what happens next will also have its own chapter.

But none the less I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter and like always I will see you guys in the comments!

Also thank you to the following people for their support! (Voting/commenting/adding to reading list)




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