#Lynn Gunn

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    Staring out the window, watching rain dribble down the glass. There you were sitting in the passenger seat with Lynn driving. You didn't know where you were going but you didn't care. You were too focused on the beauty that was your girl. Glancing over you admired Lynn's features. Her side profile was astonishing. From her sharp jawline to her plump lips and long eyelashes. She was truly perfect. She reached over grabbing your hand and slowly bringing it to her warm lips. Her lips pressed down onto the back of your hand as a light blush spread across your cheeks. She always had that effect on you. Whether it was just a peck or hand holding, you couldn't stop the butterflies that always erupted in your abdomen.
    "Lynn, baby, where are we going?" You asked staring out at the trees passing. "You'll see" she said quickly looking at you then focused her attention on the road ahead. You sighed before leaning back into the soft seat of the car. You felt relaxed which rarely happened due too all the stress from work, school, and all the family drama always happening cause of your sexuality. But right in that moment you felt at peace.
    The sound of the rain beating down softly on the exterior of the car and Lynn rubbing the back of you hand with the pad of her thumb was enough to make you slowly drift into a light, peaceful slumber.
     Lynn had parked the car and looked at you only to find you asleep. Smiling to herself, she gently shook your shoulder, waking you. "Hey princess, we're here." She said looking into your eyes. You found yourself looking out the somewhat foggy window to see a field with a few trees here and there. Both of you got out of the car and walked over to a tree that had lights wrapped around the trunk and branches, illuminating the area around it. Next to the tree was a blanket with pillows and a picnic basket filled with delicious food. You looked at Lynn with tears in your eyes. You couldn't believe she did all this for you.
     After eating, the two of you laid on the blanket, stargazing. You had your head on Lynn's chest, listening to her heartbeat. Your legs were intertwined and you had your fingers laced together. You felt yourself relax into her touch as you breathed in her scent. She would occasionally kiss your head and whisper how she loved you. As you laid there with the girl you loved more than anything in the universe, you wondered how you got so lucky.

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