12 ; Kitty Got Claws

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I walk awkwardly to one of the two empty desks, choosing the one in the corner.

Miss Ellis' black kitten heels clicks as she struts to the blackboard again, picking up the small piece of chalk. She begins writing and I pick up my sketchpad, ready to take down her notes.

Theres a slight buzz in the room and I know they're all talking about me as I receive 'discreet' glances my way.

The noise dies down when the door is thrown open in a hurriedly manner. Miss Ellis doesn't seem bothered and only glances at the person in the doorway.

I, however, am very bothered as I stare at Jackson. How is he in AP literature?

You've got to be fucking kidding me, I think. This is so cliche.

Jackson slams the door shut and stomps past the desks, not sparing anyone a single glance. People follow his every move and I notice the girls fawning over him. God, are they stupid? He's so not worth it.

He doesn't look up until he's stood in front of my desk.

When the initial shock of seeing me here dies down the hate awakens. He's glaring at me.

"Get up," he says.

I open my mouth and then close it again, not knowing how to respond. Does he really want to beat me up or something here, in front of everybody?

"You're in my seat," he says, letting his backpack fall to the ground with a thump.

His seat? Irritation flares up like lighting in my spine.

"You don't own this desk. It's school property," I say.

He leans down to my eye level, resting his palms on the desk. His mouth opens and I'm sure he's about to insult me. His glare could potentially kill my insides.

"Mr. Park. Take a seat," Miss Ellis says, her tone light. I look to her and I see her eyes already watching us.

When Jackson doesn't react she repeats herself. "Jackson Park. Sit down," she commands, her voice laced with a hardness I'd never expect her to use.

Jackson glares a little longer before finally sitting down on the desk next to me.

He ignores me for the rest of the class.


"So how was it?" Hailee asks, excitement evident.

"It was fine, I guess. Miss Ellis is amazing so lit was good. But history with Mr. Benson was boring," I say.

Hailee is looking at me while stuffing her mouth with greasy french fries, her favorite. I'm fiddling with my pizza slice, not really wanting to eat.

"Well, were dere any goo looging guys?" she asks, still stuffing her face.

"Hails, you need to slow down. You're gonna choke and die, I swear." 

She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not giving you mouth to mouth if you stop breathing, cuz' that'd be like kissing Tyler," I say, giving her a grimace.

Her expressions turns sour and she stops her eating. "I don't think you need to worry about indirectly kissing Tyler," she says, her voice bitter.

"He still hasn't called or texted?" I ask. What the hell is Tyler thinking?

She shakes her head and I can see her trying to hide her hurt. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it gently. "I'll talk to him Hails. I don't know whats gotten into him lately. He's been pushing me away too," I say sympathetically.

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