"Guys,look at that attention seeker" screams one of the female student,causing every students inside the cafeteria to turn their head toward Feng Jianyu.

Feeling embarrassed from all the stares he received,Feng Jianyu lower his head staring at his own lap.Wang Qing feet moves on their own,heading toward where Feng Jianyu is seated but his movement slow down when he sees Wang Yu stands up.He shifts his route toward the female student who shouted earlier.

Feng Jianyu lifts up his head,looking straight when he suddenly feels something covering his ears.He smiles the moment he sees Wang Yu standing in front of him.

"Finish up your food and let's get out from here" Wang Yu mouthed. 

Feng Jianyu nods his head and quickly finish up his food.They both walk out afterward leaving other students talking among themselves.

"Believe it or not,i will mute you if you dare to talk about Feng Jianyu again" warns Wang Qing before leaving the cafeteria. The female stunned with her mouth left agape.

"Thank you for helping me out earlier" says Feng Jianyu,matching their footsteps as they head back to the lecture hall.He is indeed thankful toward Wang Yu for being his friend.In fact,Wang Yu is his only friend.

"That's what friends do right?Backing up each other" replies Wang Yu.Few females students flash their smiles when Wang Yu walks passed them.

"Oh right,we are suppose to hand in our group assignment next week" Feng Jianyu suddenly remember about his assignment.He has yet start a thing on the topic.He pouts.

"I booked a cubical room in the literature library later at 7.Room 20,don't be late."

Feng Jianyu facial expression brighten up from hearing that,he grabs Wang Yu arm and swing it along the way.Wang Qing who is walking behind them again witnessing their friendly manner. He hates the tingling feeling he get everytime he sees Feng Jianyu being nice with Wang Yu.

At night Feng Jianyu skips on his way to the literature library while whistling to a random tune.There are two libraries in his university,one is literature and the other one is modern library.The modern library is bigger ;equipped with computers and books.Meanwhile literature library is an old library with only few visitors.

Feng Jianyu looks around cubical rooms,looking for number 20 before finally stop at the far corner of the library.That is the last room,he wonders why Wang Yu booked that room when others at front are basically empty.He looks at the time on his cellphone.He arrives 10 minutes earlier.Feng Jianyu decides to wait for Wang Yu inside the room so he carefully push down the door handle and walks in.

"AH" exclaims Feng Jianyu when he realized there is someone in the room.

"Wang Yu,i thought i am the first one to arrive."

Feng Jianyu approaches the guy sitting in front of him and lightly tap his shoulder.

"Eh?" Instead of Wang Yu,it is Wang Qing who turns around.Feng Jianyu moves few steps backward,ready to leave the place when he heard a loud sound of the door being closed and locked from the outside.Wang Yu turns around and walks away with a key in his hand.

"I am sorry" says Wang Qing.He been keeping that words for so long.

"Why are you doing this to me?" asks Feng Jianyu with knitted brows.He leans his back close to the wall,keeping some distance with Wang Qing.

"This is not my plan.I intended to see Wang Yu so i texted him.He is the one who told me to wait here.I did not know you are coming too" 

Somehow Wang Qing words sounded sincere.

"Why?" asks Feng Jianyu. It is an odd sight where two guys are standing straight,looking serious inside a room where students normally use for studying purpose.

"About the other night,what i did to you was wrong.I was a little drunk but that does not justify my action.I sincerely apologize for that.And i owe apology toward Wang Yu too,for laying my hands on his belonging" 

"I...I..was...Wait,did you said belonging?Whose belonging?" Feng Jianyu takes a step forward,in case he heard it wrong.


They both momentarily stare at each other.

"We are friends.He is the only friend that i have" replies Feng Jianyu."Do we look like that?"

"Ah- Friends.I just assumed that on my own based on how he looks at you and how comfortable you act around him" 


"But i am glad that you both are friends" Wang Qing smiles,showing all his teeth as his eyes squint.

Feng Jianyu widen his eyes.That is the first time he sees Wang Qing smiles.

"You can actually smile" comments Feng Jianyu causing Wang Qing to flinch.

"You don't see that because you keep avoiding me" 

"That...That's because you did those weird things to me" Feng Jianyu turns his head away,hiding his bashful expression from being seen.

"I will not do that again but you have to promise that you will not avoid me anymore" 

Feng Jianyu presses his lips,thinking for a moment.He turns his head,averts his gaze toward the man standing in front of him.


They both smiles.

"Right!What are you intend to do here?"

"My group assignment.But how am i suppose to do it now"

"And i was wondering whats with all these books here" says Wang Qing,pointing his finger toward stacks of books on the desk behind him.


"I guess i have to help you with that.We can finish up your part first and then compile it with your partner later on" 

"En" Feng Jianyu nods his head.

For the next two hours,they both earnestly finish up the assignment.When it's time to go back,they realized that they both being locked.

"I will ask Wang Yu to come over and unlock this door" Wang Qing takes out his cellphone.

"I was wondering..How do you know Wang Yu's number?I never see both of you communicate"

"He is my cousin" 


From that day onward,their friendship starts to blossom. Wang Qing will always stick close to Feng Jianyu and glare at anyone who dare to badmouth him.Truth is Feng Jianyu has been his center of attention ever since the day he lays his eyes on him.He is sure enough about his feeling but decided keep it to himself.When Feng Jianyu is ready,that day he will make him as his.But in order to do that,he has to compete his love rival,Wang Yu.


[NOTE] Wang Qing and Feng Jianyu are both actors/singers/models/hosts from China.They both previously worked together on a web series called 'Counterattack' and ever since then,they have been a sensational pairing over the globe.They both released a duet song titled 'This summer' and few other solo songs.You can watch their web series subbed on youtube as well as listen to their songs.I strongly recommend you to watch their fan meetings for their lovely interactions.Wang Yu is Wang Qing real cousin who also acted in 'Addicted' as Gu Hai's 'brother'.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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