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(bonus scene cause I'm awesome like that)

I am lying in bed with dinner and a drink looking at Hercules when I hear someone banging at my door like they are crazy. So I hurry to the door because it might be an emergency. Then I start to think of the worst.  Oh no! What if (a girl you know) finally cracked from someone trying to get with her bae in her face! CRAP! She's probably loaded with blood on her and needs some help!  Then even worse.  What if the neighbors call the police again for all the noise coming from my apartment?! they just let me off with a warning. No, No, No,No! Then I'm at the door.

"who is it!" I yell out.

"IT"S RENO, YO! OPEN THE DOOR!" So I snatch open the door.

"What! What is it, Re?!"

The dude is panting like crazy. He has both his hands on either side of the doorway holding him up and is soaked from the rain. He finally manages to say something after some deep breathes.

"I just listened to the song."




"The song. I read and listened to it, Yo!


"'SO'!? 'So'? So why would you do that to me!?!"

" To let you know how I feel about you sometimes I guess... And cause you asked!"

"............*sigh* You're such a piece of work. Can I come in?"

"Sure." I step to the side to allow him room to enter. I had to stop him as he tried to sit on my couch though."

"Uh-unh! No! don't you sit your scrawny butt on my couch."

He smacked his lips and proceeded to sit again.

"Reno." I said in a warning tone. He stopped again, but threw a slight tantrum.

"Oh my Gaia! I can't do nothing round here, Yo!" He exclaimed as he threw himself on my glass coffee table.

I just had to look at him like he was crazy.

"..... Did you really just throw that tantrum at me like I was ya mom or something?"

"Well what am I 'posed to do, Yo?!" Then he started throwing his arms around in a frustrated motions. Then he started non-purposely ranting.

"One of my best friends is practically the girl of my dreams and she's playing games! Dating other guys! Being cute with her new hairstyles! Ignoring my feelings! Being cute with her mean but nice routine! Dating other guys! And, just, *let's out a highly frustrated noise* I'm at her house horny!! GAIA!" With that he lays back slumped over the table. Must be exhausted. And uncomfortable. I take slow even paces to him. He exhales and sits back up.

" So that's where the sighing been coming from, huh?" He doesn't answer. I sit next to him on the table.

"Let me smell your breath."

"Mm." Is all I get as he turns his head down and away like a child."

"Come on, Reno. Let's get this over with."

He then turns to face forward with an annoyed expressions and blows out this little breathe from the side of his mouth.


He then turns completely towards me, now with narrowed eyes, and let's out this ridiculously long exhale. I start to cough a little.

" Okay, okay! That's enough. I can't believe you can drink and run."

" Never underestimate me, Babe."





" Go home."

He  looks forward again and takes a fast breathe through his nose. "Alright." He then gets up and starts for the door.

"Wait a minute." I go to get my umbrella.

"The next time I see you, I want my umbrella and my tin back."

He just nods his head and opens the door.



"You wanna go on a date?"



He closes the door as he leaves. But I snatch it back open after like 2 seconds.


"Yeah?" He looks over his shoulder at me. I smile big.

" Wanna go out on a date with me?"



He turns.

"..........What is wrong with you?" He draws out. " I just asked you that!"

"Well, I wanted to ask!... It's what I came to your office for last week."


"Geez, Y/N! We could of already been to the fucking stage by now!"

" Well, sooooooooorry! Is that all you want?!"

"No! But I want it a lot, Yo! Gaia!"

"Damn it, Reno! Is that a 'yes' or a 'no' on the date?!"

"It's obviously a 'yes', Dunce!" I let out an angry scoff.

"Well, fine then!"

"Very fine!"

"Goodnight, Jerk!"

" Night, Idiot!"

With that, I slam the door shut.

"What an ass." I say to myself. but no matter how mad I'm trying to be. Or how much I try to inwardly command my lips to stop trying to move upwards, I can't help it. Because some day: "I've got a date with Reno! Yes!"


Seeing RenoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin