2| Luke Alvez

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It was late one night after one of our cases. The whole team went to my house. We got home earlier then expected so we decided to watch a movie there. I put on Luke's sweatshirt he gave me and some sweatpants.

After I grabbed snacks, Garcia and I where sitting in the lounge trying to find a movie to watch, while everyone else was in the kitchen. After about 30 minutes of trying to find a movie we saw that Mean Girls was one of our choices.

"OMG I LOVE THIS MOVIE!" Garcia yelled.

"YEAH we know and now so does everyone on the team" I said laughing.

"Guys it's about to start we can watch the whole thing" said JJ coming in.

"PERFECT!" Garcia said still screaming.

We put on Mean Girls and got comfortable. Soon Will came in and got JJ and they left. Not long after, Garcia was about to pass out so Derek took her home. At this point the only people here where Luke, JJ, Will, and I. JJ and Will were in my spare bedroom because they were just going to stay here tonight. It was my favorite part of the movie when Karen asked "If you're from Africa then why are you white?" I started laughing so hard that Luke came in to check one me.

"Are you okay?" he said creeping around the corner.

"Yeah I'm good. Come watch this movie with me please." I said with my best puppy dog eyes. He agreed and he came to the couch and sat in between me and the couch arm. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.

"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me...I can't helped that I'm popular" came from the tv and Luke's reaction made the butterflies in my stomach erupt. He had the cutest laugh. He was laughing so hard that tears where coming out of his eyes.

"Luke it's not that funny" I said laughing at him.

"Yes it is...oh my gosh...that's the funniest thing I've ever heard" he said while trying to catch his breath from laughing. After he was done with his fit of laughter we continued the movie. He was playing with my hair when I heard him say

"How come we haven't watched this before?"

"I didn't think you would like it, but now that I know you do, we will be watching it more often"

"Good. Because I would love to spend more time with my amazing, beautiful, girlfriend" he said and it made me blush a deep red.

He put his head in the crook of my neck and continued to play with my hair. His hot breath on my neck made me shiver. He chuckled knowing that when he did that it turned me on. We watched the rest of the movie and he laughed throughout the whole thing I mainly just laughed at him. After the movie we got up and put everything away. When we where done we walked to our room hand in hand.

"I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N" he said when we got to our room.

"I love you too Luke Alvez" he gave me a kiss and then we got to our bedroom door, as I was grabbing the door handle he turned me so I was facing him, with a smirk on his face he looked me up and down and said,

"Hey babe you look," he paused to bite his lip, which really turned me on and then continued "really good in my sweatshirt"

I blushed a deep crimson and then I went in our room while he went and got his phone from downstairs. When I walked into our room JJ and Will were standing there staring at me like they where my parents.

"Hi" I said awkwardly.

"Oh my gosh you guys are so cute!"

"JJ shut up before he hears you he thought y'all went home...but thank you" I said smiling and blushing at the end. 

"Y'all are disgustingly cute" Will admitted with a laugh. They walked out and Luke came back in. We climed in bed together and got comfy with my back into his chest, his arm around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. Roxy laying at our feet.

That night I went to bed with a smile on my face, the love of my life's arm around my waist, and his oversized comfy sweatshirt on.

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