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                      Frack, i woke up with a boner again. I hate waking up like this. I struggled to sit up with my eyes closed, clenching my baby blue sheet's. I finally sat up and opened my eye's and when i did,i saw my mom sitting there,eating my pizza with her legs crossed.

"So," she said,her face stuffed with pizza."Who you thinking about to have that hard of a boner."

I just sat there, angry. What type of monster eat's someone's pizza? That's, that's inhumane. I couldn't believe my own mother would do this to me.I wanted to cry but i knew that if i did she would slap me with one, so instead I said,"Someone, argh why do you want to know," i grunted attempting to stand. I wobbled over to my drawers and looked in my mirror.

"Well i don't, but you better take care of it. wink wink nudge nudge,"she seduced and slowly walked out of my room. I ignored what she said and admired myself in the mirror. Damn i hot in the morning,i wanna bang myself. Hey comon i am pretty hot, shit my voice is hella deep in the morning,my hair is messy but sexy, and plus i don't have a shirt on and you know damn well thats a good sight.

Still talking about how hot i am, i walked over to my bathroom and turned on the hot water to my shower. I felt the water get hotter and hotter and i got harder and harder.

 It's something about hot steamy shower's that turn me on. I can just see omar in the shower, washing his hair, the water drops traveling to different places of his pale, soft skin. FRICK. It's hurt's. I guess i do have to take care of it huh?

././././:time skip

I slipped on my shirt, grabbed my phone and flopped on my bed. Went through snap....dry,instagram.....dry,call's.....hella dry,text's....*drip* that sexy mofo texted me.

lowkybabe: hi, u wanna hang today. i don't have anybody to do and your the first person who crossed my mind:)

Holy hell really?!?!?

Me:uhh yea sure where do you wanna meet

I can't freaking believe he actually texted me that. He want's to hang out with me? The random gay boy he met and the pizza place? Oh my gosh I am sooo freaking out right now. AHH he texted back. I nearly fell off the bed trying to get a hold of my phone.

lowkybabe:my house.no one is here soo just cum over.take your time bud;)

Oh my god YASS okok let me get.......wait a second....what did he......oh...OH OH OH MY GOD WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO I MEan yes but lIKE WHAT THE HELL????? Ok chill out buddy. How the fuck am I supposed to chill out when he actually just asked me to 'cum' over bitch i'm dying. My phone vibrated, please be the cops.

lowkybabe:umm are you cumming bud


Me:oh yea i'm..coming i just gotta get dressed n stuff

shit shit shit what am i going to wearrrr

lowkybabe:mk see you 

lowkybabe: ;)))))))

I demand death right now ok buddy collect yourself........ok now what do i wear...ohhh i know what to wear. Smirking i put on my black skinny ripped jeans,my dark gray sweater, and all white vans. 

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